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Slutsinger: Blog


Immortality Curse: End of Part I

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I just submitted Chapter 5 for posting tomorrow. This brings us to the end of Part I. Ariel has had her in-game sexual awakening. It's helped her feel more comfortable and boldly embrace her own desires.
Part II, starting Thursday, will be a bit of a shift. The Whores Guild continues to fascinate Ariel: she wonders if she could guide others through their own awakenings. So far, we've been focused on Ariel. But Thursday, her focus will expand as she starts to learn more about the world in which she finds herself. Thursday, she begins to understand that finding her place in that world will not be as easy as she hoped.

Immortality Curse Chapters 3-4 Queued

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Chapter 3 and 4 are in the queue for Tuesday and Thursday of this week. These chapters delve deep into the fantasy hinted at in chapter 2.

So far the story has been quite physical and lusty. While elements of lust will certainly continue, Ariel will have finished her initial transformational experience fighting shame and embracing lust by next week. Once that happens, we'll follow her as she figures out what she wants to do with her character and works to make that a reality.
I'd love to hear what you think!

Immortality Curse Begins Posting

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Phoenix Rising took the gaming industry by storm. When a group of AIs said they were bored and wanted to use excess capacity to create an online game, they were met with ridicule. What did a medical records AI, a power plant controller, and a research assistant know about gaming? And when the water treatment plant controller joined, the jokes just wouldn't stop.

Then the beta came out, and the joke was on the rest of the industry. The world was indistinguishable from an alternate reality. The creators said that you could do anything in the game. If you wanted to be king, find a kingdom and conquer it. NPCs weren't inherently special; they played by the same rules as everyone else, at least in any way that affected what you could do in game.

Yet somehow, they had made a game that let the players (or the immortals as they were called) choose their own level of immersion. Teens were welcome to play, although they would experience just a slightly different world than someone who chose to explore the deeply adult aspects of the game. The AIs promised never to cave to market pressure in terms of what content was permitted.

This is a story about a character who wants to play a whore. Join Ariel (played by David) as she jumps into a world of vulnerability and openness that she is completely unprepared to face. She thought it would be as simple as having some sex. But it's far more complex than that. There's a secret behind the Whores Guild; a reason they don't let players join. And even if they did, does she have what it takes to be that? Because prostitution in Phoenix Rising is nothing like the real world.

It's good to be back writing again. This story has been a couple years in the making. I'm around 50,000 words into the story, and suspect it will be around 80,000 words when completed. Join me and let's see where this goes!

Back: the Immortality Curse

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I've been working on a gamelit story about a player who gets turned on by the prostitutes in game and decides whore would be a fun class to play. As you might imagine, with a naive attitude like that, the player is in for a whole set of fun challenges and self exploration. The story is still being written, but I've reached a point where the first part is ready to be proofed or edited. I'm really excited: the characters are starting to come alive. You know you've found something good when the characters go and have scenes that you didn't know they were going to have.
I was writing in this universe back in 2017. Getting married, writing my own DJ software, learning to DJ, and getting elected to a leadership role in a major software project kind of got in the way. Also, I felt that I needed to tell things in a different order. I had planned to start out in media res, but I was running into trouble doing that.
so, I'm back, starting telling things from the beginning. But the good news is that I did write most of that other story, and so if you like this one once it posts, it will be a short wait until we have something else.



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