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I've got a new story in the queue, it's a short one, more a vignette than a full story. The Tattered Promise: Back in 1984 Dave met Marie at a frat party, a place she wouldn't be caught dead in. He followed her around campus until she decided to call his bluff and invite him to a punk show, a place she assumed he wouldn't be caught dead in. She was wrong. This is only a tiny part of their story.
I'm still here, more or less. I'm still writing but a new job has cut into my time dramatically. Beats being unemployed though. I've got three long stories (70k+) in the pipeline and a number if shorter pieces, including further adventures of John & Anna. I hope you be able to start enjoying them soon. Thanks for all your kind words and support.
I've got a new story up. A friend of mine got me to promise her a story for her birthday, so I actually managed to finish it. It's short, but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading.
I got a couple of emails this week asking if I was stil writing, so I figured I'd drop a line here and give you all an update. It's been a really rough year, but I think I'm past the worst of it and I am still writing, but not as much as I would like. I've got a lot of stories started, but none finished. I've discovered that I can't jump from story to story as the mood hits me, as each story and character has a style that is hard for me to adapt to quickly. I'm going back to working on one story until it's done and then I'll start posting.
The other change is that starting February 1st, I'll be making dedicated time each week to writing. That's something I didn't due in 2015, and clearly I got nothing done. Here's hoping 2016 sees a lot more activity here, and thanks again for the emails and words of encouragement. Your feedback really does inspire me to write more.
Chapter 31 is in the queue. This may be the end of this story, but it won't be the end of John & Anna.
Thanks to my ever patient readers for sticking by the story, warts and all. I'm still figuring out formatting, and proof-reading, so I'll continue to tweak the story as time goes on until I think it's really as good as it can be.
As always, I love hearing from you. So if you read the story, let me know what you think!
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