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Shirh Khan: Blog


Chapter 9 is finally posted!!

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As the title says- I've finally uploaded the next chapter! Hopefully, it will appear shortly- maybe even tonight (Friday 11/05)! And I hope it is at least moderately enjoyable....

The Next Chapter

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The writer's block is gone.
So sayeth I, the writer!

I'll say first, that I think I should have the next chapter posted by this coming wknd. Let's keep our fingers crossed on that one.

So…why couldn't I get this chapter written?
Well, I've heard other others talk about their characters as being damned nearly living entities of their own, and that trying to write those characters into scenes that they don't want to be a part of- or, where the character fights you on just how the scene is supposed to go- can be challenging as…..well, you know that word that rhymes with "truck".

But, my character and I, we finally seem to have come to an agreement on this chapter. I wanted to move things along, and apparently, my character wanted a bit more development to happen for him. So…….

Hopefully, the chapter will post this wknd, and hopefully, all nine of my readers will be copacetic with the way it turns out.

And, as always, thanks for sticking around!

Writer’s Block

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PRIME Candidate:

Currently, I'm suffering a bit of "writer's block" on the material. I know where I want to go with things, but getting it out of my head and onto paper is proving a bit more troubling than usual. Added to that, I'm changing jobs, AND trying to prep for changing actual careers, means that my writing is going a bit more slowly right now. But I will not abandon this story! I will- hopefully- have a new chapter of the story posted in the next couple of weeks, and then I think- and hope- that my block will shatter, and I can get back to posting on a more regular basis.

For those of you reading my story, I thank you greatly for doing so, and sticking with me.

Late Chapter

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For the eight people who are reading my story, I offer my apologies for the fact that the next chapter isn't out yet; I spent a few days being not well, and I'm working on the chapter as we speak; I hope to be able to post by this Wednesday, and I will strive to get the chapter after that, out on time.

Bear with me, please.
And thank you for reading!

My “PRIME Candidate” story

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I'm pretty happy to get this story "off of my chest" so to speak. I have so many stories going on, that it feels good to get this one going.

Regardless, for those of you who are reading it...thank you. It is my story of a not-quite hero, and it is an attempt to detail his discovery of what he can do, and following him as he decides on what he will do with what he finds out about himself.

I'm hoping that others will see this story as a good one- I consider myself a pretty decent writer, but not every project a writer produces is his or her great opus, so I'm just hoping for a generally good bit of review.

In any event, I will do my best to put out a new chapter every two weeks, or if I manage to get on a roll, maybe sooner than that. We'll just have to see how the MC and the events around him, play out and reveal the story to me.



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