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Shirh Khan: Blog


Finally!! The first chapter of "PRIME Target" will post!

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That's it in a nutshell; I've finally managed to put my health issues into a place where I can deal with the story stuff properly.
Unfortunately, this story won't post on a (attempted) bi-weekly schedule like the last one- not for now, at least. It's not that I don't have the story already written in my head, but I have to get it down on paper, and so far, I've only managed the first two chapters, though I've outlined the next two right after that, and have bare-bones stuff marked for the further ones.
I ask those few who are reading, to bear with me, and I will work on getting the story out in a more timely fashion.

And again, for the few of you who are reading my story, thanks for sticking with me!

"PRIME Target" Delays

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I'm not one who usually puts his personal business 'out there'. But I feel like I owe my eight readers an explanation for the delays of the next part of my story.

I had planned to begin posting "PRIME Target" around the beginning of the year, but some personal health issues that are life-changing and rather deadly if not managed, and then the death of my partner's service pup- and dealing with the aftermath of that- have made finding time to get the story out of my head and onto 'paper' a daunting task.

I have the first six chapters of that story already worked out in my head- I just have to be able to write them down and post them, and have the TIME to do those things. But I WILL be getting to that story, and sooner rather than later!

I'm hoping to get the first chapter, if not the first two chapters, posted in the next 30 days. Here's to hoping!!

A Return! Sort of.....

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I think I'm feeling well enough- I've been able to do some writing the last few days- that I can post a chapter this coming Saturday ( 09 July ) for folks to read. Hopefully, I will be able to post yet another chapter, two weeks after that, but for the time being, I will not have a regular posting schedule. But I will do my best to let all eight of my readers know when the next chapters will be posted!

'PRIME Candidate' vs author

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For the eight people who actually read and like my story...

I'm still writing 'PRIME Candidate', but a couple of serious health issues that have come to light in the last month-- stage four kidney disease, and learning that I have early-stage glaucoma-- have put a slow-down on my posting of the story for a while. What that translates to is, I will be posting, but I won't be posting on a regular schedule for a while now.

TL;DR: I'm not gone, but I'm gonna be slower with posting chapters, due to recently-discovered health concerns.

New Chapters!!

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The next chapter is completed!!
And honestly, so is the chapter after that, but I'm going to try to keep a chapter ahead, and I'm using that fact to try to keep me motivated to write so that I can post chapters at least semi-regularly. So, chapter 11 is already done, and I'm beginning to write chapter 12. So, hopefully, when I post a chapter, I'll still have the next one, ready to go, for when I need to post it.

And if you understood all of that, thank you!

I plan to post Chapter 10 this coming Saturday, the first Saturday in December.



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