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Shaddoth: Blog


Hoppy Easter

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to all of us in these shut-in times.


Smith finale!

Posted at

Plus, I just reposted 'Even-cleaner' versions of chapters 1-36.

Thank you everyone for your comments, sugestions, clarifications and support.

You have no idea what you have meant to me over the past months.
Smith took over a year to write and god's knows how long it took to make it readable.
I started working on it in April of 2018. getting it up and cemented in place means... more than I can say, or will admit to.

Thanks to all of my readers and especially my editors; Phil, N.O., Moose, M-S. and everyone else who sent in a suggestion or a comment. even the not so helpful ones, they still made me think and consider and grow.

and wow did I grow as a story teller during this time.

Thank you

Chapter 40 of smith is queued for posting

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the rest of the story will be posted without the excellent review of my second editor.
The poor guy is swamped and in light of all too many of us not being able to leave our homes, I am contributing to lessening our collective stress levels in my own small way.

Be safe peoples. Be safe.

Chapter 39 of smith is queued for posting

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Chapter 38 of smith is queued for posting

Posted at

I think I'm going to put a restictor on my father's tv so that he can't watch local news while I am visiting.



PS. Not My Fault!



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