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Shaddoth: Blog


so... my house completely burnt down while i was out of town

Posted at

I don't think I will be on SOL for the rest of the year.
I most likely will not be reading any emails, but I will accept a good luck wish while having a beverage of your choice tonight.

Good Luck and take care of yourselves.

To all of our servicemen and women past and present Thank you

Posted at

The title says it all

And as for those who want to know:
'Do you ever finish the stories you write? Or do you just leave everyone hanging'

the answer is: 'yes'.



Posted at

While I have been writing, I haven’t been on SoL at all in the last year.

Real life junk and all of that horse malarky.
My golf game which used to be abysmal is now only terrible.

Dealing with docs who don’t like out of state docs giving prescriptions to see them has been a pain.
Prescription? What script? I got no script. Send it again. For the third time and then wait three to a hundred days before we get back to you to make an appointment.
-five ‘business’ days later- Who are you?...
I may or may not have three or four stories, finished ones at that, floating around. As soon as my ‘guest’ leaves to go wherever she plans on floating to next. I’ll probably post them. Or all of them back to back. Who knows.
What I do know is that why my ex is staying with me, I’m too stressed to post and read pretty much anything, including my readers’ awesome emails. Even the not so awesome ones deserved to be read and responded to.

Yet I have been remiss at that.


Yes, I suck.
Take care,

PS. A2 is 5 words shy of 50k words. Some progress is better than none? right? oh look is that the next ice age creeping up on me?

Biomancer 500 day man both updated

Posted at

as the title says, I posted the latest corrections to both stories.

as for me, I will remain off SOL for the next month or so, dealing with Personal garbage and family garbage.

take care and hope everyone is doing well


Ace Cadet, Server Change, and the 500 day man...

Posted at

Thanks to those who have threw their corrections to me to help make them better stories.

The 500 day man concludes tomorrow. again thanks to those who gave me a helping word or three.

My sister is visiting for a month or so. I probably won't get any real writing in or be very quick to reply to your emails, but i'll try.

thanks and happy groundhog day a couple days early.




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