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Shaddoth: Blog



Posted at

I'm not doing so hot and thank you for those who asked.
I've been sitting on a number of books and just havent been able to post them here. So I took the easy way out and threw them up on bookapy.
I didnt throw them all up on Bookapy because I dont have covers for them.
I also plan on asking Mr Laz for some assistance on posting a few since I dont understand how the auto posting works.
I apologize to all of you who I have not replied to, I have read all of your emails, but I am not in the correct state of mind to actually reply.
Again. I apologize.
Take Care.


Posted at

axe 2 is stalled on chapter 7 and will be until my brain and my muse heal enouhg for me to write once more.

I have a sequel-spinnoff for Smith set 20 years in the future that has been sitting in its folder all nice and paitently since xmas of last year.

IF, and that is a big IF, my brain settles enough, I hope to post it soon. (It will be coded light sex, for those interested)

as for me. my brain hasnt been the best. hopefully the recent added stress in my life calms soon so i can start seriously writing again.
Hell, i'd even like the ability to read a book that i havent read before.
that'd be nice too.

Florida is decent, a bit hot for this northern boy, but i'll cope. golfing on par 3 executive courses is fun when i can and living close to my parents is definitely a two edged sword, but a necessary one for now.

Take care

I moved to florida.

Posted at

the last month or two were kinda difficult.

for those who have sent emails and wondering if i fell off a cliff, i will try and return them this week.

as for stories, i have a specific one that i am waitng for my editor to return. as soon as he does and i correct the billyons of mistakes, I'll post it.
For a hint, its a spin off from Smith, and totally unlike Trials.


snq conclusion is in queue

Posted at

Hope you have enjoyed it


SQN should be cleaner now. Crossed fingers

Posted at

Chapters 1-3 are in queue to be reposted.
chapters 4&5 are in queue to be posted

and the fulll book on Bookapy has been updated.

Sorry for the delay.



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