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Sorry for not making an appearance for so long folks, life got in the way and writing had to go on the backburner but I'm ready to come back to the world of writing in a big way.
Firstly, I had started a young family and I've had to work long hours in a low paid job which took away alot of my free time. It's not much of an excuse I know, other writers are able to work while having a family and working fulltime but there you go.
Secondly, I've realised that there were some flaws in the story I was writing (Life is Good) that was making writing further chapters more difficult. This is not to say that I'll never write more chapters for Life is Good but they won't be anywhere near as frequent as my new story.
Hello all
Sorry for the delay!
I don't have much time for writing at the moment which is the reason for the long time taken to post this next chapter.
I do enjoy writing but it doesn't pay the bills so it has to take a low priority at the moment. I'd love to make money from it but I don't think I'm a good enough writer.
Keep the comments flooding in.
See Ya
I've just submitted chapter 2, I hope everyone enjoys it. Bear in mind I'm new to this before you go slating my sex scenes. I look forward to your comments.
I'm not too far away from completing chapter 2 (possibly a week away) so please bear with me everyone. This is my first attempt to write an erotic story so it may be a little ropey to begin with but I hope to improve as I go on. Thanks everyone for the positive feedback I am reading all your messages but I may not have time to respond to everyone so please keep sending me your comments.
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