Russ Abbot: Blog


Innocent Mirror Universe has new chapters

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Hi All
I've just added chapters 2 & 3 to Innocent Mirror Universe

Screwed up my latest submission

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I posted Chapter 7 of "The Abomination" as Chapter 4 of "Life Is Good"

I don't know how to delete chapters...

Sorry again for the delay to Chapter 5

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Sorry folks

I've had alot to do as I realised my draft of Chapter 5 was way too long and I had to shift things into Chapter 6 - I also realised I needed to add a planned scene that I'd forgotten about.

Please don't ignore the lockdown folks - Covid19 has taken one of my elderly clients (God rest her soul) and has put a guy I know in a bad way - he's only 30 and been given a 50-50 chance of pulling through.

Stay safe out there.

Abomination delay

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Been incredibly busy this week due to the number of my colleagues that are self isolating. I've had some strange looks as I don my blue Darth Vader suit to go into elderly client's homes.

Anyway, the upshot is that I havent been able to edit Chapter 5 to make it ready for posting so apologies for that and hopefully next weekend it should be up.

BTW I talked to an ICU consultant and they let me know that there's a DNR (Do-Not-Resuscitate) order on Covid-19 patients due to the fact that there's only a 2% recovery rate if they go onto a Ventilator.

Stay safe and take care of each other folks

The Abomination Chapter 2 is up, more to follow soon

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Chapters 3 & 4 are written but need editing and 5 is almost complete.

If you're not impressed with early chapters then please hang on in there as I'm still getting warmed up.



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