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And so we begin! For those new to the story, you simply won't understand it without reading the two earlier stories in the series, The Grim Reaper and Adventures in Southern Law Enforcement. Reaper Security Consulting begins immediately after the end of ASLE.
As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, thank you to all who responded to my requests for assistance. I can't do this without the active assistance of my readers. I don't need any more responses to those questions, but I do need continuing editorial assistance. If you find a typo or error, let me know and I can do an edit and upload a fixed version.
In case you were wondering, there really are police consultants. They range from giant multinational firms down to single person firms who do one single thing. Let's see how Grim does at it.
My publishing timeline remains the same. I should be able to upload a chapter every Tuesday and Friday. Sometimes, though, life takes a detour. Two weeks ago, my wife broke her leg. Trust me when I say that multiple hospital visits can screw up your schedule! (PS: She's in a cast and will be fine in another month.) As Woody Allen once said, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!" (That was taken from an old Yiddish proverb, "We plan, God laughs.")
In any case, enjoy!
Final quick question - Does anybody have detailed knowledge of female reproductive anatomy and IUDs? I have a tiny technical question & need a quick answer that does not seem to be on any website I have found. Thanks. PS: I will start publishing next week.
Thank you to all my readers. In recent weeks I have asked for information on pensions, cruises, and destroyer manning. I received dozens and dozens of very helpful answers! Thank you very much! Now, put away your keyboards for a bit. That info allowed me to do my writing, so you can stop for the time being. This forum has provided me a lot of help and I appreciate it.
I am well along in writing my next story, The Grim Reaper: Reaper Security Consulting. I have received excellent advice and editing from grynslvr2 and jjmcdonald7911; I can't thank them enough. I will probably be able to start publishing within the next few weeks. I was originally planning to wait until after the election but said the hell with it. If we end up in a Civil War, I'll just have to edit the story as needed.
Here's an odd request for assistance. If anybody knows the Table of Organization for an Arleigh Burke destroyer, let me know. I am looking for the ranks and job descriptions for the officers on a Burke-class ship. I just haven't found anything on Google, or maybe I just don't know what to specify for. Thanks.
Many thanks for the answers to the last question. Very helpful. Now I have another one. Anybody know about disability pensions? Are they forever? Do they end if you get another job? Stuff like that. Definitely working on the next story, where Grim has a disability pension. About ten chapters in, but just getting started. Thanks.
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