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I just want to send out a thank you to all those who catch typos, anachronisms, and scene errors. I try to set a high standard, but I'm as capable of screwing up as the next guy. Sometimes they are simple spelling errors that snuck past the spell checker, but occasionally it's a big goof up like when the laundry room is both on the first floor and the basement! That needed a rewrite! Oops! Keep me on my toes, guys.
And the results are in! In my last blog post I raised the question about changing the numbering on my chapters, in a situation where multiple sections had multiple chapters. I had been numbering the chapters in each section starting with 1 and working up, so that if there were five chapters, there would be five Chapter 1s. The suggestion was to make the chapters sequential, so that if Section 1 ended with Chapter 4, Section 2 would start with Chapter 5. Here's the results:
Keep it the same - 10
A modified version of keep it the same. Number the chapters 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, etc. - 4
Sequential numbering - 18
Don't care, do what you want, or I simply couldn't understand the response - 10
Sequential numbering won, but that's not the only reason I changed the numbering. It turns out that when you are uploading new chapters, the system asks for a new chapter number based on the last chapter number. If you are uploading Section 4, Chapter 3, it simply reports the next chapter is 4. There is no way of knowing which section this is for. It's a bit confusing. Going to a sequential system avoids this.
PS: I committed an anachronism in Chapter 9. Thank you, starfiend, for the help. Fixed.
I had a reader comment on my chapter numbering. This story is made up of multiple sections, each of which has from 3 to 7 chapters. Currently each section's first chapter starts at 1. He requested I renumber them so that no matter which section, the chapters increase sequentially, 1 to 21 so far. So, let's vote! Keep each section's numbering the same, or renumber 1 to whatever? Thanks!
In any case, here's the next two chapters. Enjoy!
Sorry for the delay in posting. Occasionally life gets in the way. In any case, it's time for a new section to the story. This one is a bit longer, so it is being broken into three pieces. Let's see how it works out.
I've been on SOL for just shy of 18 years, and I have to say how impressed I am by the way the site has improved. I am not talking about the stories themselves. There were some great stories then and some great stories now, and there was some schlock then and some schlock now. I can probably put my own work in both categories. However, the technical aspects of the site have continually improved. Under Authors/Editors are numerous methods for an author to now fix or modify a story. The sections for Manage Stories and Story Stats are especially useful. This is great stuff and all authors should appreciate the improvements. Thank you, Lazeez!
Time for the next part of the revised Influence. Now I am turning on voting. Those readers who didn't like it earlier have stopped reading.
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