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The Bridge Club, Lessons, The Gray Family Trust, and Vegas Vacation have all been updated for final publication. They are all part of Naughty Stories, and the final version is uploaded to Bookapy. If you purchased an earlier version, you should be able to download the final corrected version. Many thanks.
Tuesday I will begin posting my next story. Anybody interested in getting a jump on it, feel free to check out Bookapy. It should be up shortly. Enjoy!
Everybody seems to like The Bridge Club. Thanks to all who gave it a nice vote and even more thanks to those who bought the book! My wife likes to spend my money. Funny how that happens.
Let me know of any typos or fixes needed. I will upload them by the end of the week. I will also upload final corrected versions to bookapy. Those who purchased the book can then download corrected versions. I'll inform on the blog when that is done.
My new project starts next week and should be interesting.
As Warren Zevon so eloquently wrote, "Send lawyers, guns, and money. The shit has hit the fan!" Enjoy!
As if Cullie's life wasn't complicated enough! Voting has been turned on. Enjoy!
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