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rlfj: Blog


The Architecture of Stools

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There are lots of wonderful quotes about three-legged stools. Heinlein mentioned history, languages, and mathematics, lest you an ignorant peasant be. The Social Security Administration suggests social security, private pensions, and savings. Krieger says nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Others have said family, friends, and work; communication, trust, and respect; hope, faith, and charity; etc. I guarantee none of these deep thinkers had in mind Mars, EastHem, and WestHem. Something to think about, anyway. Enjoy!

Chapter 8 - Domesticity

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Lots of interesting things occur on Mars. Enjoy!

MV Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 is all about the Martian Navy. Enjoy!

My wife isn’t a big fan of military stories, but she read Greenies so she could get the background for Martian Justice. What with all the current reporting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, she has been commenting to me how it seems like the Greenies and WestHem. I told her she was more right than she knew. A couple of days ago the Ukrainians sank the Moskva, the Russian flagship, with a pair of Neptune cruise missiles. I googled the Moskva and learned it was the ex-Slava, a guided missile cruiser designed to shoot down cruise missiles. Then I learned the Neptune missile is a Ukrainian designed and built variation on the Russian Kh-35 anti-ship missile. Sounds like those sneaky Greenies were able to get the WestHem torpedoes working after all.


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Terrorism is in the eye of the beholder. What the Martians consider terrorism is considerably different than what WestHem thinks. In any case, enjoy!

Proof of Concept

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I wrote much of this story before the current war in Ukraine started. Why do I mention that? Chapter 5 is a very dark chapter. Who can come up with the shit in this chapter? The same kind of people who think the Russian atrocities in Ukraine are a good idea. Do me a favor. If you think the Russians are misunderstood and the Ukrainians deserve what is happening to them, don’t send me an email. I don’t need it. Thanks.

My wife just started reading Martian Justice. (She reads incredibly slowly, and I had her read Greenies first.) Anyway, we were talking about the story, and she commented to me about the power of the mega-corporations, “I can almost believe that.”

I responded, “Imagine if Facebook owned every television and radio station, every newspaper, every network, every movie studio - that’s InfoGroup. Imagine if Exxon owned every oil well, every refinery, every gas station, every pipeline - that’s Jovian Gases. And imagine if Price Chopper [a supermarket she retired from] owned every grocery store, every farm and ranch, every warehouse, and every food processing plant - that’s AgriCorp. Think there might be a problem?”

She agreed. There might be a problem.



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