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For those who have bought the book/books, when I finish publishing the story, I will upload a corrected version to bookapy. You will then be able to download a corrected copy. Many thanks.
Chapter 14 gets back to the conflict between Mars and Earth. Enjoy!
Thank you to my eagle-eyed readers. A couple of typos and errors were found, and I reloaded Chapters 11 and 12. Nothing major, but they needed to be fixed.
I recently got an email about Chapter 12. “I don’t get why you have this chapter in your story. It doesn’t advance it at all.” I thought about it for a bit. Was it because it showed character development among major characters in the story? Maybe because it built on earlier developments and was important for later character progress. Or perhaps because later chapters needed the background. I finally came up with the correct answer: Because it’s my fucking story and I will write it as I fucking see fit! Rant finished. It’s been a long day.
Anyway, Chapter 13 finishes what started in Chapter 12. Enjoy!
My wife is still working through Martian Justice. As I have mentioned, she reads at an abominably slow pace, so I have taken to asking her, ‘What are the Greenies doing today?’ Half the time she is just a few pages along in the story from the day before. Anyway, the reason I mention this is that I follow along with her on my computer, so I know where she is at. Doing this, I found a typo in Chapter 21 of MJ, and I have uploaded the fix.
On a more personal note, thank you to all who nominated and voted for my stories in the 2021 Clitorides. Last year was a very productive year for my writing. I cleaned out a lot of older story ideas, wrote some new stuff, and got a start on this year’s stories. Won one category, placed second in two more, got a third place, and a bunch of honorable mentions. Many thanks to all.
Harlequin Park refers to some fun and games in Martian Vengeance. Enjoy!
Chapter 11 reintroduces a character from Martian Justice, Harlan Jones. We’ll see more of him later, too. Anyway, enjoy!
My last blog post concerned the stability of three-legged stools. What I hadn’t expected were the responses on a totally different sort of stool. Probably more than I had ever imagined learning about stools. Still, appreciated.
Chapter 10 is more on the WestHem blackmail program. Enjoy!
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