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rlfj: Blog


Chapter 2 - Building A Business

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Many thanks to all those who bought a copy of Tropic Desire. My wife appreciates it, too. As Kelly Reaper repeatedly told the Grim Reaper, “Just remember, you earn it, I spend it.” I know that marriage is supposed to be a sharing and caring partnership. but after 46 years, I’ve learned to simply say, ‘Yes, dear.’

Before I retired, I was a corporate IT manager and webmaster. I just wish I had been working for a company that didn’t sell something so boring as houses. I’d have loved to have sold sex lotion! I wonder what I’d have said when the kids asked me if I brought anything home from work. I’m sure our corporate sales banquets would have been more interesting.


Tropic Desire

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A sequel to Island Delight, Tropic Desire is about the creation of a commercial body lotion with amazing properties. Put plainly, it is the most powerful aphrodisiac ever invented! It isn’t necessary to have read the first story, but it would probably help. This story has been fermenting in my brain for several years, but now that I’m writing again, I decided to get to work.

For those looking for amazing heroes and brilliant social commentary…. sorry. You’re probably not going to find it here. On the other hand, if you are looking for some literate porn, give it a shot! You might just like it!

Here’s a review from an early buyer: “Some stories are heavy and require a lot of reading; others are simple and to the point. Then, there is Tropic Desire. What a treat. Let's be honest - this is not a story with a complex plot line and complicated characters. What it is a simple story that is entirely fun to read. It builds on the prior story noted. Yet, it is so enjoyable. There is sex; there are also real-life situations and important decisions to make. It is puff pastry but what puff pastry! It is a great story written by a great, prolific writer. Buy it. I guarantee that you will finish it with a smile... and a question - is there going to be a sequel? I hope so. A light enjoyable story for very difficult times. Yet, it leaves us with one question - how do we get our own Tropic Desire??”

As always, I plan to publish Tuesdays and Fridays, and let me know of any errors or typos, so I can fix them. Thanks.



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As I mentioned earlier, I was going to upload corrected versions of the original and the R version of Lessons To Be Passed Along after receiving any final edits. I just put them on Bookapy, though it might take a day or two to show up. Just got to your Bookshelf and you’ll be able to download the new version. I’ll also put a new version on Lulu, which puts it on Amazon, etc. Don’t know how long that will take to update.


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And so we come to the end of the story. I hope you all enjoyed it. There was an early complaint that the ending seemed premature, and I looked it over. I ended up adding to it, so I hope that helps. In any case, I don’t think I’m changing it further. If anybody has any last-minute fixes or typos, let me know, I’ll be updating the books by the end of the week, and will let everybody know via blog. Thanks.

I have another story brewing. That won’t be until sometime in March. Still writing and editing that one.


Chapter 13 - Newlyweds

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We’re getting near the end. Again, life is imitating art. The section on Judy breaking her leg and having issues with sex comes from real life. My wife managed to do exactly what is described while working at our local supermarket, and she was in a cast and a walker for two months. The sex involved was exactly as described.

The quote about the dangers of some cruise excursions comes straight from the Royal Caribbean website. My wife and I have been on ten cruises and have two more planned. Yeah, I’ve heard all the comments about floating Petrie dishes, but so what. Happy wife, happy life! Not sure what is going to happen on this spring’s Panama Canal cruise. I’m just waiting to be in the middle of the canal when we go to war with Panama. Maybe we can be interned in another country we go to war with. Should be fun.




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