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I have updated the bookapy version of Harper Valley PTA with all the fixes needed. If you bought it on bookapy, many thanks; my wife likes it when you put money in the checking account You should be able to download an updated version at no added cost. I have been working hard on my next story, and that I should be able to begin posting by mid-May at the latest.
And so we come to the end of this little story. I hope you had as much fun with it as I did. This was an example of hearing an old song or reading an old story and thinking, there has to be more to this than what they are saying. Enjoy!
To a certain extent, I am moving past my writer’s block and am writing again. I am closing in on the finish of another story to be called The Novelist. I expect it to be ready in another couple of months. It is going to be somewhat longer than the current one, but nowhere near the length of many of my stories. Curiously, my productivity has plummeted since retirement. It was okay when I was home alone, but when my wife retired, I suddenly found myself doing chores for her, remodeling the house, and not writing. Even worse, I find it difficult to write anything remotely pornographic with her sitting in the La-Z-Boy next to me. I am working through it.
As promised, the fourth verse in the song told an awful lot about the goings-on in Harper Valley. Maybe you’d like to learn more? Enjoy!
This chapter is short, but it was a decision made by the structure of the song. The third verse has Mrs. Johnson going to the PTA meeting in a miniskirt with her daughter in 1968. That means I had to use the previous chapter to bring Mrs. Johnson’s history forward almost two decades. In a different format, I would have split that history more evenly into two chapters. Sometimes that is just the way it works out. Don’t worry about it. If you take a look at the lyrics, you’ll find that Verses Four and Five should be a lot of fun.
Minor discontinuity in Verse 2. Fixed. Thanks to blobbo for catching it and letting me know.
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