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I just received an e-mail from a reader who told me that I had made a mistake. So, I fixed it and I have uploaded a revision of the chapter, and it will be up soon.
I didn't know there was a difference between cousins and nephews. In the Dutch language, we only have one word for both, so I made the wrong assumption.
For my story, I did mean cousins, because they are the kids of Sandra's aunt. As you can guess, I didn't know that nephews is used for the kids of a sibling.
I apologize if this confused any of you. As you know, Sandra is an only child, so it would be very difficult to be a nephew of Sandra. ;)
Finally! I know!
Sorry it took me so long, but I'm back, and I'm going to publish one chapter each week again.
I haven't written everything yet that happened to Sandra on the Sunday, but I have enough chapters ready to keep publishing for a while and during that time, I will also write new chapters, so I can keep publishing until the story is done.
Thanks for your patience, and I hope you will enjoy the continuation of the story!
Best regards,
My editing took a few days more than I had hoped for, but chapter 81 is finally done.
This chapter is more of an introduction for future stories about Sandra and her friends, but I needed to add it.
And, Sandra also shows some compassion towards someone who has tried to humiliate her during the past week.
Chapter 82+ will take a little longer to write, because I'm planning to write everything that happens to Sandra on the Sunday in one go. However, this also means that when I start publishing them, you will get a few chapters in one week, instead of a few during a longer period of time.
Thanks for enjoying my story. I greatly appreciated all the nice comments I received the past few weeks.
Best Regards,
I know, I know! I hate it when real life interferes with the fictional world I'm creating.
At least, I had a day off today, so I could proofread my chapter a last time before I uploaded it to the server.
As you can guess, I won't be able to keep my publishing schedule I had set for myself. However, you can be sure that almost every available time I have, will be put to good use on this story. I really want to finish it in the coming months, so I can start working on another story, Veerle's NIP-adventures and also start writing down ideas about the second book about ADP.
At least, I hope you will enjoy this chapter as much as I liked writing it. There sure happened something I hadn't counted on when I thought up this part of the story a few months ago. Although, I like the surprise that popped into my mind for Sandra. :)
Best regards,
I'm sorry to tell you guys that I won't publish a new chapter this weekend.
I started a new job this week, and because it was my first week, I did a lot of overtime as part of my job training.
Next week will be the same, and then I should start to work normal hours.
This will probably mean that I will be writing on my story during the weekends and only an hour or two a day during the week.
The next chapter is almost done, but I still have some work on it. I will publish it during the coming week for sure, and then I will see how I can get into a regular publishing scheme again.
Thanks for your understanding,
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