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Pastmaster: Blog


Taking a break

Posted at 3/26/2024, 10:41:17 PM

Over the past eighteen months, Ive posted 96 chapters of Caleb, somewhere close to 100 chapters of life after along with several other stories and collections as I have been inspired to write.

I need a break.

With that in mind I'm pausing my patreon page in this instance for a month. Hopefully after that time I'll have had time to recharge.

I'd like to thank you for all your care and support, and hope that you continue to enjoy the stories when normal service is resumed.



Caleb new chapters

Posted at 3/31/2023, 3:07:52 PM

Thanks to the diligence of my Patreon subscibers in reviewing the books, I have just posted four more chapters of the Caleb series, hopefully the should get through the approval process soon.

Happy reading and I hope you enjoy.

Clitorides awards

Posted at 3/3/2023, 1:31:03 AM

So - I was flicking throught the nominations for the Clitorides awards - and was amazed to see myself there nominated under the Best New Author section.

SO thanks to whomever took the time to nominate me.
and if anyone has the inclination to vote for me - then thanks to you too.



New Caleb Chapter - and a question.

Posted at 2/11/2023, 12:47:54 AM

I've just posted a new chapter to Caleb - hope you all enjoy.

And I want an opinion.

I posted a little ditty I wrote for a new baby greeting card some years ago. I thought it an amusing little rhyme - but it has been rejected by a popular story site, (Not this one) as portreying underage sex. - What do you guys think.

New Baby

When I heard you were having a baby,
I knew it would not be a girl,
'Cos your bump it was laid along sideways,
And your hair lost a lot of it's curl,

My divining rod twiched in the morning,
Which is a sure sign as it's true,
That a pendulum swings round and round for a girl,
and if it stops still then its TWO!!

With the wonders of modern day science,
It's amazing we all still believe,
In all of the old superstitions,
That the wizened old wives like to weave,

Yes I heard you were having a baby,
And I knew that it would be a man,
But the reason I knew was not witchcraft,
I could see the kid's cock on the scan.

Seriously - Is this portreying and underage sexual relationship?

answers please?

Happy New Year.

Posted at 12/31/2022, 10:26:57 PM

To all of you. Here's hoping that 2023 brings you all good health and prosperity, despite the world's problems.

Have a good year.




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