Pars001: Blog


Book 2 Chapter 4

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I wanted to tell everyone first, I am back second, chapter 4 has a lot of sex in it just thought I'd warn you lol

Posting of book 2

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I spent all day Thursday writing, wore out managed to post chap 3 this book is more than twice what the first is. going to rest a few days got major headache that won't go away (I think I pushed my self too hard) so I hope you enjoy chap three it's where things start to really heat up.

Book 2

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I started to post Book 2 of the Seeding I called it The after seeding a second wave. I made it another story because I wasn't sure the site would let me post it like I wanted oh well.
I am adding this as a question to all the members who are reading my works if you'd like me to continue I will. I have a bank of over 80 stories most are part of a series like this one without the books. I am sorry I am slow to post it appears the site doesn't like me much and I have a lot of problems getting my works to post right.

Part 4

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I hope everyone enjoyed part 4 this is the last chapter of book 1 as I call it. Book 2 which I call the after Seeding the second wave, I should hopefully start to post in a few days.
That is if anyone wants to read it.

The Seeding apology

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I thought I had adjusted the spacing better when I sent it to be posted alas I was wrong I hope that all can read it believe me I wrote it and the way it is now irritated me.



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