Pars001: Blog


The Aftermath

Posted at

Ok I am posting the last chapter of the Princess and the Captain tonight. I will start posting another series soon. Look for it!


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ok everyone once again I feel I have to apologize for disappearing as fate would have it I ended up in the hospital again. I had chicken pox as a child and being over 50 I was visited by shingles, let me tell you it IS extremely painful hopefully I can get back to writing and posting soon.


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Hello everyone, I am looking for another editor, my current one won't be able to any longer as real life is interfering. I know everyone is enjoying my works now that they are edited please anyone interested pm me


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To everyone who has been reading my works, I apologize I haven't been that well of late, been in the hospital again with a severe infection. I am hoping to post again soon thank you for your patience.


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Sorry I haven't posted in a few days as many may not know I now have a proofer, plus they finally released me back to work so not writing as much. hope to post tomorrow a new (old) story has 13 chapters a lot like star wars the middle then the beginning then the end.



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