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Paladin_HGWT: Blog


New Chapters Sent to Proofreader

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Today (Sunday the 23rd of January) I got a ride into where I may post chapters, and such. After more than a month without internet, my laptop began updating. After that I sent a couple of new chapters to my proofreader.

My Volunteer proofreader was wondering if I had fallen off the face of the Earth.

I also uploaded the Characters List for Aztlan Portal, something my Proofreader cleaned up over Christmastime. I also re-posted several older chapters which needed some fixes.

I hope to get the new chapters back next week and post chapter 24. I will also send another new chapter or two to my volunteer proofreader if he is still willing to work with me.

I have several more chapters written, and will be editing chapter 26 this week, possibly more. If I can keep arranging transportation, I will keep posting one new chapter a week, as well as re-posting corrected chapters I have been reviewing, along with constructive criticism and pointing out of spelling and grammar errors by readers over the last year.

I do read the PMs I get and respond to them if they seem to need an answer, or at least say thanks. If I have more than a couple errors in a new chapter, I try to post corrections in 2 weeks (I wait because I usually get several PMs from folks). If I get a belated note about just one or two errors on older chapter, I usually check within a week, and make changes on my word document, but I will wait a few months to see if I get other suggestions, and then re-post after making any corrections. If it is a significant error, then I would correct it ASAP.

I have discovered some of my earlier chapters have some formatting errors. So, I have been going back and making those changes, as well as a few spelling or grammar errors not caught soon after they were posted. I also post on Fine Stories, sister site to SOL, and also get corrections from folks there.

I Appreciate the Advice, but...

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My computer is old,I needed to replace it 2 years ago. It failed 9 months ago and I had to reimage it. I was backing up all my writing. Other than the OS, I only reinstalled MS Word, and my security programs. None of my games or other stuff. As basically a "word processor" it's okay. I will replace it... After critical issues, such as transportation.

I get my cellular service for free. I can't get any extra service.

I get my internet where I volunteer, unfortunately that is 50 miles from where I live.

Pre Covid-19 these were minor problems.

I deployed multiple times, serving more than 60 months (Five Years) in combat zones. I have been wounded in combat. I spent some 4 years "homeless" living in my van, or couch surfing.

I have a roof over my head, three hot meals a day, I write, and I read.I even have a borrowed (third-hand) cat.


I will post when I can.


Dependent Upon Rides

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The cost to repair my car is effecting my ability to post stories, or even send new chapters to my proofreader.

I don't have internet at my home, other than through my phone. I don't have the ability to use my phone as a hot spot. Although I can browse SOL on my phone, blog, and PM.

I am continuing to write, and to edit. However, I am also doing odd jobs to earn additional money to repair my car.

I had hoped to be able to post some chapters over the last couple of weeks. Difficulties getting internet set up at my friend's new home, as well as our physical exhaustion canceled those plans.

I am trying to arrange transportation for Saturday or Sunday. When I do it is for other activities, and I hope to have the opportunity to post on SOL on the side. I am dependent upon the patience of the person(s) driving me.

For the first time someone in my immediate circle of friends came down with Covid-19, fortunately it is the Omnicron variant. Unfortunately they need to isolate, effecting my plans and schedules for last week. (Not a friend I helped move.)

May you all have something good to read.


Keyboard Fixed; Software Issue

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Thanks for the advice from several folks on SOL!

We took a midmorning break from unloading; my friend hooked my USB keyboard up to one of his computers. It worked. He then did a bit of troubleshooting. Most likely when my laptop updated just after January 1st it resulted in an issue. Now resolved.

Now, both my On board and USB keyboards function.

I plan to be able to send a chapter or two to my proofreader.

I won't be home for a couple of days. I need to review what I have written before "dumping" it on my proofreader. Editing is my responsibility.

Due to my friend's move likely extending into next week, I will be busy.

I plan to get at least on chapter up by Sunday the 16th and then a Chapter a week starting on the 23rd.

I may not upload multiple chapters to catch up, but keep a couple in "reserve" to prevent similar gaps in the near future.

I expect to learn about my car later today, so I may have transportation issues effecting my ability to post chapters. I have some alternatives, but I cannot presume the person who has offered to drive me will be available every weekend.

Several folks from SOL have been generous with assisting in reviewing, proofreading, transportation, and other assistance.

I have helped, and will continue to help other authors. Readers may not be aware of the contributions required to provide all of the content here.

Thank you all very much!

Keyboard Blues

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I have been using a USB keyboard for more than a year since my laptop keyboard stopped working. Now my USB keyboard has stopped working. My USB mouse and other devices function.

I hope that a new USB keyboard will resolve the issue. Otherwise I will have to transfer my recent writing to a new computer. That may be an issue because my car was hit in the parking lot by an uninsured driver. My budget is focused on repairing my car, before replacing my computer.

Currently I am in Oregon helping a friend move. Which may allow me to address one or both of the above issues.

Until then I can't send new chapters to my proofreader, nor post chapters.

Between snow, flooding (Interstate Freeway 5 was closed in the vicinity of Chehalis between Olympia and Portland), two guys in their mid 50's are behind schedule.

I will provide updates using my phone. If possible I will send what I wrote over Christmas time to my proofreader asap.



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