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Yup...this old Mac went down a week ago...lost my 2Terabyte HD. New old drive...this one is a 1T...and a 2010...but it works. For your information...I lost all my nearly completed stories chapters. I ain't happy. OMWP
Tyche first appears in Surprise Melody Flintkote 2. At her first actual mention...she is two...and Australian by birth. Gold Coast.
When I started writing about Tyche, she had her Bengal brood chipped.
That she was chipped was supposed to be a joke.
The first chipped human was 2004...in 2021 Tyche was exactly old enough to have been chipped at birth. She was.
For those who read me...and don't like my endings..Trials, Temptations, Tribulations is the second story after The Accident...third is Stuck on Chaos.
I had something completely different written...it was stupid. Wrote this one in one sitting.
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