I'm just that, an old man and I write. Some of this has been bouncing around in my skull since I was a young man.
The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance between characters in this work and actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. My work may contain scenes of explicit sex between adults and is intended for the entertainment of adults only.
This is fiction.
Life does not work this way. The potential reader is directed to the story codes listed for all stories - if any of the sexual activities or relationships are illegal in your area, do not read or download any story, as you are responsible for following the laws of your locality. If you are offended by depictions of adult intercourse or if you are less than the age of majority in your jurisdiction please do not read or download any story. Nothing in this work should be taken as condoning or encouraging any of the activities depicted herein. Fiction...lies...nothing but lies.