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Visitor chapter 1 and the first couple paragraphs of chapter 2 is the bridge between Sunny two and Abby two...Abby Two should be either Abby or Sunny three...but it's how I roll. Then comes the Visitor. And she does.
A reader wrote me a message. "Visitor. The best story You ever wrote. You should finish it."
I couldn't find the story...however, I did find ADVANCED SEARCH. So I typed in Old Man with a Pen...Imagine my shock...things I have no recollection of writing...In fact...I was sure someone had stolen my handle and posted several stories. I was sure I wasn't me...so I read Visitor. I recognised the character and I remembered WHY I wrote it...not the story...just why. And I remembered posting it...waking up the next morning with a dead computer...and EVERYTHING I had written about Visitor....and lost.
Not that I remembered WHAT I wrote...just that I did.
It took several months to obtain a different computer...Social Security and outstanding Student loans don't leave much to play with.
So...I forgot all about visitor...and remembered not a word I...to be continued...wrote. I still don't know. But...it was different enough to probably be the very best thing I have written. Maybe....except Tubs. Tubs was a poem done in the shape of a bathtub with water in it. and since it was an assignment in Creative writing 301 I had a companion piece (poem) with a showerhead and spraying water. The computer was a 286 IBM...and the two poems took all night.
I get ideas...some not so good...like this story. I was writing...well...intending to write something...I forget what...on Nipochaos. But I ate something that was just a little 'off' and, sitting on the 'throne of repose' my guts in knots...and Genevieve...and relief at the same time. I find I sorta like her.
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