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Mushroom: Blog


Clearing editing backlog

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Well, I am finally able to clean up the backlog of editing that needed to be done, thanks to my readers that submit to me corrections where I screwed things up.

To give an idea why, for almost 20 years I have worked with two monitors. My main one in front that I use for all my work and play, and a second that sits slightly to my right. For the last 5 years that has actually been a 32" TV, and when writing that is what I use for my notes, and the various pieces of research I may be doing for the story.

Things like when a movie came out, the force needed to break a bone, something like that. And also when I am editing, that is where I read the message I was sent, as the main monitor has the story I am editing.

Well, several months ago the one I had used for that purpose died. That meant only having a single monitor, and that was annoying in the extreme for anything other than more basic uses. So the editing corrections just sat in my mail box, until today.

And only because I know some will ask, I got a TCL 32" Roku TV from Wally World for $150. Considerably cheaper than a similar monitor, and decent resolution for most of my purposes.

And thanks again to all those that have taken the time to point out to me where I screwed things up. It is greatly appreciated.

Writer's block

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Yes, I am still (trying) to write, but it has been increasingly difficult lately as my depression has been making me start to turn stories "dark". As in, nowhere where I wanted to go.

For example, I had written and rewritten the latest chapters of The Sensei many times, but they kept turning me towards a situation that would have had Lucy dying. Which of course is not the intention, so I would change them, and it would start to happen again.

And I ran across similar problems in Country Boy. Having George start to become hooked on hard drugs (which may or may not happen, but not at this point). So what keeps happening is that I write a chapter or two, delete it, and then try again.

I would rather wait until I can write the correct chapter, than put something out I am not happy with just to publish new content.

However, I did add onto both stories with stand alone ones, that are a tad darker. In "River City: A New Life" I finally tie in characters that have been around in the Bohica universe, but now make it more obvious who they actually are.

And another Honey Silver one, also a tad dark but where she starts to make plans to leave her career.

And yes, I am over half way through a Kim Peal Investigator one. Kind of the same. As unlike the first this one actually gets a tad dark with actual rapes (while the victim is unconscious), so it has been tricky to not go into things I simply will not write about (I find rape disgusting and horrible and never "sexy").

So yes, I am still writing. I am simply having a problem completing something that I feel is worthy to publish. And would rather delete chapters I do not like than publish them then try to make them fit when they went against the original concept of the story.

Country Boy Saga

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Soon the next independent story in the Country Boy series will be posted. And finally, some things in the now nine independent stories I have written will start to make sense.

And yes, "Country Bot in the City" has been planned for months now. And much of the short stories were written to fill in the almost decade long gap between the two (three including Valley Girl).

The Honey Silver series to not only introduce another character, but to give a little more context in what Linda did between the times she stopped acting and finally left Rocco.

Degüello's to give some more background on what happened to Linda when she was with the biker gang. Introducing more of the members and much of what she actually went through that she did not go into details about.

Maiden Deception, to see how she has improved, and that her relationship with her and Mandy (as well as Pete) has largely recovered from where it had once been.

Then the next being Michael Glushitel, which actually falls into the middle of the next story. Which actually answers some question sin it (and the next answers some questions in Michael's story).

Finally, "It's Positive". Which I just posted, and should be available soon. Mostly taking place at some time after "Maiden Deception", and giving a farther update into what Linda has been up to.

Which was needed, because in Chapter 2 of "In the City", George finally meets again his "Aunt Linda". And part of that might not make sense without reading at least "It's Positive".

And yes, that is how far ahead I often think when writing stories like this. Degüello's was written because I wanted to include more of the story of the bikers from their point of view. More details about them other than just "Xavier and Bulldozer" and some others.

Then as should be obvious to many, following a month later by posting "Michael Glushitel". Showing the vengeance that Pavel has unleashed upon the bikers once he learns exactly what they had done to Linda.

With Peter he seems like a jovial and nice man, but as I had hinted strongly in Linda's story, he has a very dark side that he hides from most. Which will actually in a way be concluded in "It's Positive".

And I like how I can now layer my stories in this series. If one thing I learned when I started to tell both "Country Boy, City Girl" and "Valley Girl" at the same time, it is that I can tell the exact same thing from two points of view. Or better yet, lay the foundation for one in one story, then pick it up in the other.

Writing update

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I know that I am long past due for an update to Sensei. But I will be completely honest here, I had to step away from it.

I normally write 204 chapters in advance. And was actually about to resume posting after finishing chapter 20 when we had a lightning strike. Destroyed several chapters, and that was so frustrating I had to step away again.

So I finally decided to start on a sequel to "Country Boy, City Girl". But first, a warning.

This is not going to be just another of the same story. I have posted the opening chapter, and many will realize it is quite different. It is told from the point of view of his brother, George Culver. 18 years old, and leaving for California to go to college. A somewhat angry and resentful young man, who realizes that much of what he had always been told was a lie.

Will returning to California after over a decade away help him start his own life, on his own terms?

Okinawa: Revisited

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This evening, I finally finished and posted "Okinawa: Revisited".

And no, it is not a sequel. Rather, it is a edited and revised version of the original 1996 story. Cleaned up, with more than a few editing changes as well as changes tonally and in some of the characters.

There is no reason to reread it if somebody had read the original, unless they want to. Most of the changes are minor. Adjusting some characters, moving some events around, and other things mostly.

But I am still leaving the original here, hence the new name. It is after all over 25 years old now (holy shit where did the time go), and in many ways it is a classic of that era in Internet Erotica. Back when I posted these on ASSTR, my GeoCities page, and on my IRC erotica server on Dalnet.

But I am much happier with the revised version. In some ways, the original just had not aged well.



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