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Mushroom: Blog


Update on writing

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I am still hard at work, but had to step back as writers block kept stopping me. And to help get around that, I went and did some editing on an older story.

I just reposted a new and revised Bohica, the entire story. There were no major changes, just some cleaning up and even some expanding. Much of that was simply that since I started writing this, my average chapter length had roughly doubled. So a lot of this was also combining 2 chapters into one. So what was 34 chapters, is now 19.

There have been no major changes however, nobody dead before is now alive, or the reverse. But hopefully this newer version is a lot cleaner and better reading than it was before.

This story and Country Boy are the two that started this years long writing spurt, and my abilities have improved a lot since I started writing them. And hopefully this newer version reflects that.

Night of Madness update

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I know it has been over a week since an update, I had to take a few days off, as I hit some writers block and am trying to work through it.

And in the down time, I started doing a much cleaner edit of Bohica, and trying to bash through how to create an ebook from it. So far I have a rough cover, and the first chapter (which is chapters 1 and 2 as most chapters I am combining to make them larger). At this time I have done a "cleaner draft" of part of the story, with Chapters 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and 5 and 6 being completed. And a test "cleanest" of 1-2 to make the first chapter.

Hopefully in a day or so I will be comfortable enough that doing so will be a minor part of my time, and this damned writers block will have lifted.

But here is a "pencil test" cover for Bohica.

New Night of Madness stories

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I would like to welcome both Mike McGifford and Reluctant Sir, and thank them for adding stories in the little universe I created.

In short, it is different than many others (Naked in School), in that the idea is that the stories should be mostly character and story based. Sex of course is allowed, but not be the driving force, or the story just be an excuse to string together sex. And being largely "open", it allows a great many ideas to be explored.

And yes, I am still working on Book 3. Had to take a break and refresh myself doing other things, but also knocked out 2 short stories to flesh out the world a bit more. I only wish there were 4 of me so I could get all of these ideas out of my head and into the keyboard.

Dire Wolf and Fang is completed

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If there is one thing I have noticed in the last year, it is that my pace of writing has really increased.

When I first started Country Boy, City Girl I was putting out maybe 2 chapters a week. And these were not very long, maybe 4 to 6 pages in my word processor. But in the three years since then, this has increased dramatically. As in, when I really get into a groove, I can pump out 2 chapters of 10-15 pages each in a day.

That was hard for me to really see in CBCG, as there the chapters were longer, and the story was more of a rambling type of affair. Just a regular guy, living his life and talking to the reader as if they were a friend.

But returning to the Night of Madness stories, it is a very different narration. More direct, much less drama and exposition, more of the characters just saying what happens. Which means a more condensed style, even if the pages per chapter are at around 10 pages.

Which is why when I finally finished Dire Wolf and Fang several days ago, I had around 5 chapters sitting in the bin waiting to publish. And I just jumped onto the next story. But I increased to up to 2 posts a day, so am finishing Chapter 5, as I finally post Chapter 1 of The Sensei.

And yes, I actually already have a plot and character in mind for the book after that, but these are the three core books that are the original trilogy of the Night of Madness universe.

Second Life

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Does anybody in here still use Second Life?

I have been considering making a "Library" there, where people can hang out and discuss erotica, and even make stories available for people to read.

I know there have been such locations in the past, but they are all long gone. But I was thinking of giving it a try myself. Maybe even a way for some of us to meet up and discuss things like writing.

Would anybody here be interested in doing such? It would be a few weeks before I could get such going, but I have run successful SL places in the past, and could probably throw it together in a week or so.



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