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Mushroom: Blog



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I returned recently from a 1 week vacation, and decided to do some cleaning on Bohica before returning to Dire Wolf or Country Boy.

I am making some small editorial changes, in addition to fixing some mistakes in it (and thank you once again to those that send me messages pointing them out). This was overdue, and as it has been nominated for a Clitoride I want it to look the best it can.

And I think for the next few weeks I will continue to do the same for some other stories. After Bohica I will give the same treatment to Country Boy. And because I think I can finish it now I will probably only post 1 more chapter to Dire Wolf before I return to and try to finish that story.

But for fans of that piece, do not worry because the tale is not finished. I decided to take it up to the point he ships off to Boot Camp, and I will continue (and probably finish it) in a second story. It has simply grown far to large to continue it any more than that without being a joke in length.

And I also plan on spending a few weeks in the future going back to all of my stories that are "Inactive and uncompleted". Writing at least 1 to 3 chapters to each, and try to give them at least some kind of closure. The only one I intend to leave forever "In Progress" is going to be my Dark Tales anthology.

Stories Online Heaven

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OK, warning right away. This story is NOT up to my typical postings. In short, it is my response to the "Kitchen Sink" types of stories I see in here all to often.

We all know them. They are 6-12k long, and have 30 story codes. The sex starts in the second sentence, and just rambles on and on and makes little sense, other than somebody is fucking or getting fucked.

Well, I threw up this one this morning (and by that I do mean vomited), and decided to create a story that included every story code there was. All of them are in there, even if they are only implied.

And it was only when posting I realized I am limited to 50 codes, and there are like 183 of them in total.

But if you like that kind of story, be assured that if you have a kink it is in there, actual or implied.

Sexual Assault in Stories

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I am actually amazed at how many have been responding to my Dire Wolf series, as well as Bohica before it. And there is one thing that several have pointed out.

That while there are a few sequences of sexual assault - rape, it is in no way eroticized. It is handled as "gentle" of a way as I can, and in no way with the intent of causing any enjoyment for the reader. In fact, in the only actual rape sequence I have written, the rapist has his penis savagely severed from his body before his neck is broken.

THAT is my actual belief in what should happen to such people. I will NEVER write rape or assault as anything other than wrong, and will never make it "sexy". It is a cruel violation of what should be an act of love (or at least passion), and I will never make it otherwise.

And that is also why I never include the "rape" tag. It is not sexy, and I do not want people who troll in here for such stories to find my writing. If that is your cup of tea, whatever. But I will only include such a thing for character or story development, and also try to include at least some followup.

In fact, I am sure that there are a great many stories in here that are really great, but I will never read them. Unless the author makes it clear in the description that a rape is a one time thing (which some have done) I will never read a story that has the RAPE tag in it. It is not sexy, it is disgusting.

And in that chapter of Dire Wolf, I was finding it hard to end the chapter. That is unusual for me, and I spent hours trying to find the way to close it out since it ended so soon after the assault. Then I simply had her throw away the expensive lotion in the trash. Yes, it is symbolic, something she had absolutely loved had been tragically ruined for her.

And yes, many victims have problems moving forward. My wife of over 34 years was raped before I met her. And I was her first relationship after that, almost 3 years later. Like many women, she had a hard time trusting men again after that.

Dianne throwing away the hand cream was my way of having her symbolically throw away the incident. She will never forget, but she is going to move on and enjoy her life and not let that determine how she lives it.

Night of Madness Universe

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Because the story of Bohica is only the first in a series of stories, I decided to create an actual Universe in here for them.

If anybody is interested in creating their own stories for inclusion, please feel free to let me know. I will just ask that they in some way comply with the ideas I have created, and will even answer questions on how this universe actually works.

Bohica Concluded

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After 14 months, I have finally finished the story of Bohica. And I admit, it has been a fun ride. First of all, I want to give thanks to those that helped me edit this work. Hopefully that is less work now than it was when I started it.

And hopefully the last chapter did not upset to many people. I actually had planned on that ending for quite a while, and with me it seems absolutely proper. That is the kind of "ending" I think that all individuals like Mark deserve.

So ultimately, in a way it ends as it began.



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