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Mushroom: Blog


Won't Get Fooled Again

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Well, this is yet another one of those I consider "Erotica as O'Henry would have written it" entries. Actually a story that just kind of popped into my mind after seeing a picture on a website.

It was a rather cute tomboy, and she was wearing a suit and looked like she was about to go to a club. She looked absolutely adorable, and I found I just had to write a story about that image.

Do not worry, I am still working on Country Boy II, and Dire Wolf is only waiting for the proper muse to sit on my shoulder so I can return to that story.

Country Boy continued

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Well, it was my intent after finishing County Boy, City Girl to move back to Dire Wolf and Fang. But some things are not meant to be just yet.

I tried to continue, but I was not happy with what I had added. So that story is going to be on hold a bit more, and I am going right into the continuation of County Boy.

And a bit of backstory here. In many ways, this is going to be very personal for me. You see, I left for boot camp on the exact same day that Pete does. So the 2 historical events in the story are seen exactly as I experienced them. One the day before I left for my training, the other shortly before graduation.

And in that time they really were major events. Probably the biggest historical events to somebody in basic training until 9-11.

Country Boy, CIty Girl completed

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Well, after 69 chapters (an ironic and unintended coincidence), I finally draw "Country Boy, City Girl" to an end. It has been a long run, but it is now time to move on.

At this time, I intend to return to the Dire Wolf story, but do not fear. There is one more book about Pete and Linda, their story is not yet concluded. But please be patient, it will probably be a while before I return to it.

And to all those who have enjoyed the story, I thank you. As much as I write for myself, I publish what I write for you, the fans.

Restless Nights Chapter 3

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Well, recently I have decided to take come of my older stories (dating all the way back to 1997), and update them a bit and post them in here. And one of them I realized was actually in keeping with another series I had created, but not updated in almost 2 decades.

So I decided to do a more extensive rewrite, and post it as an extension of that series instead of a stand-alone story as it originally was.

Editing of Bohica completed

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Well, I finally finished giving Bohica a good editing.

Most of the changes were simply for things like spelling and punctuation. But I did also make some other editorial changes. Things like adjusting some parts of the story and characters, to better match what I had latter written in the Dire Wolf story. Nothing major, but some may notice that it was changed in a few places.



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