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Chapter 7 published. I am enjoying writing this series very much and hope that readers like it too! I plan to write at least a couple more chapters. I welcome comments and suggestions where it should go next. On other websites, I have had lots of comments on my stories and it would really be appreciated if you could take some time to tell what you like and don't like about the story and perhaps how I could improve my writing skills. Thanks very much and I hope you are having a good weekend!
IMHO, this is my best chapter so far. I have invented a game for couples to play that I think you might enjoy reading about or perhaps even participating in some day. Comments are welcome.
I just had chapter three of my 'Eric the amazing massage therapist' published. The first two chapters were originally posted on another site. I wrote chapter three, the conclusion in the past few days. I re-wrote some parts of the first two, changing it to what I intended to say but wasn't allowed to on the other website. Please let me know what you think. I am open to any suggestions or comments both good and bad. Thanks!
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