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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Mark Randall: Blog


Seasons Greetings

Posted at

I just wanted to wish all my friends, family and fans a Merry Christmas.

For My Brothers and Sisters in arms, Safe Journeys.

For My Cav Brothers and Sisters, Keep your powder dry, and your cinches tight. Allons.

Merry Christmas.

Rocky Roads

Posted at

I posted the 2nd short story in the Asteroid Hunters universe. I am kind of surprised at the positive response for Spacers. Maybe you folks will like this one too.

I do have another, longer story in the works. But like I've said before, other stories have a priority right now.


Posted at

Against my better judgment, I posted one of my first stories. 'Spacers' Is NOT one of my better efforts. Looking at the votes, Some folks like it. But judging by the comments, Well I probably would have been better off leaving it in the closet.

So, I will be taking a hiatus while I finish writing my current story. It is in the Regiment universe. It shouldn't be very long. Maybe a Christmas gift.

What's Next?

Posted at

There it is, folks. The last three chapters of Cats and Kittens. At this point, I've got two short stories in the Asteroid universe. These were my very first posted offerings.

I currently have several storylines in the various universes. But I've decided to concentrate on finishing a long story in the Regiment universe. I intend to take it over 40,000 words. We'll see. I seem to have an issue breaking that barrier.

Please be patient, while it may have seemed that I was cranking out chapters daily, these have been complete stories. What comes from now on will be brand new. My philosophy is only to post finished works. Again, be patient, I'm working on it.

Next story

Posted at

After what I am going to assume was enough time, The results are in. It looks like a tie between the Mountain Man story and the short story in the Regiment Universe. With a distant third for the Sci Fy folks and Asteroid hunter. But ahead of them was the folks who wanted everything NOW!.

Starting tomorrow (Sunday the 17th) I will be starting 'Lost Cats and Found Kittens'. The further adventures of Matt and Suzy.



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