"You know why we cahll heem 'Crahbbair'? Eet eesn't because he wahs raised on a plahtfahrm 70 miles offshahre. Eet's because he uses zat wahtersahw he cahrries to peel ze ahrmour off of cybermercs ahnd tahke whaht he finds eenside. Tahbernahc! - Rogitien La Croix - Union Steward - Longshoreman's Union Chapter 539.
Coming Soon
"It wasn't ability that killed his career. Jeketakrees Drood was one of the most intelligent and intuitive medical students I've ever taught, completely dedicated to his craft. He could have had any position he wanted upon graduation. No, it wasn't ability that lead to his getting passed over time and again. It was his curiousty." - Dr. Bandrelan Lurric, Dean of Medicine, Durvanding Medical School, Tampris Prime
Coming Soon
“Bronah? Oh, you’ll have no problem catching up with Bronah. He don’t run from a thing. He walks toward it with purpose and conviction. Question is, you sure you want to? You know how real smart folk tell you that some stuff you have when you get whelped and other stuff gets taught you? When it comes to killin’, he got it from both sides. You seen his arm?” - Ardavrin Gendelam, Town Guard, Pelnagarmo
Also apologies for not leaving comments open on Azgrum Wintereye. Didn't realize I hadn't. Open now.