A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story “People in power, they’re different than you and me. You play nice with them, you'll live long enough to keep their secrets. You don’t…” - Maldrik Jommury, Deputy, City of Halvernice
Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fantasy Tags: Fiction, Crime, High Fantasy, Mystery, Vignettes, Workplace Downloads: 162 | Votes:* | Score:* Size: 19KB | 3,847 words |
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story "My name is Azgrum Wintereye. I represent the law firm of Mogglesmeyer, Jeggulsplotch, Gibblesgorp, Gibblesgorp, Gabrinhauser, Banglemocker, Keebercleggin, and Broikalbolk. Here is my card." - Azgrum Wintereye
Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fantasy Tags: Ma, Fiction, Crime, High Fantasy, Mystery, Vignettes Downloads: 718 | Votes: 49 | Score: 6.54 Size: 19KB | 3,615 words |
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story “Bronah? Oh, you’ll have no problem catching up with Bronah. He don’t run from a thing. He walks toward it with purpose and conviction. Question is, you sure you want to? You know how real smart folk tell you that some stuff you have when you get whelped and other stuff gets taught you? When it comes to killin’, he got it from both sides. You seen his arm?” - Ardavrin Gendelam, Town Guard, Pelnagarmo
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story "You know why we cahll heem Crahbbair? Eet eesn't because he wahs raised on a plahtfahrm 70 miles offshahre. Eet's because he uses zat wahtersahw he cahrries to peel ze ahrmour off of cybermercs ahnd tahke whaht he finds eenside. Tahbernahc! - Rogitien La Croix - Union Steward - Longshoreman's Union Chapter 539
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story "There is an underlying current that ties all bastards together. It binds them, bonds them, creates a loyalty between them where none existed previously just by their knowledge that the other is as they are. And in that current is a need, a hunger to prove that what was denied them was deserved all along." - Jurna, the Merchant
Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fantasy Tags: Fiction, High Fantasy, Military, Vignettes, Royalty Downloads: 469 | Votes: 24 | Score: 7.31 Size: 23KB | 4,579 words |
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story "It wasn't ability that killed his career. Jeketakrees Drood was one of the most intelligent and intuitive medical students I've ever taught, completely dedicated to his craft. He could have had any position he wanted upon graduation. No, it wasn't ability that lead to his getting passed over time and again. It was his curiousty." - Dr. Bandrelan Lurric, Dean of Medicine, Durvanding Medical School, Tampris Prime
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story "According to the official biography, the Voyushchiye Volki (voi-YU-shi-a VOL-kee) are part of the naval defense force that protects the Union Tatarovsky from space piracy prevalent throughout the interstellar backwaters in which their systems are located. For those who know better however, the Howling Wolves, as the name translates, can at best, be described as corsairs." - Lt Commander Havrus Fal Durning, Academian 1st Class, Galactic Naval Academy, Orndim Prime.
Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fiction Tags: Fiction, Crime, High Fantasy, Vignettes Downloads: 587 | Votes: 36 | Score: 6.81 Size: 13KB | 2,533 words |
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