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Traffic Girl: Juliet is complete ... what's next?

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In case you didn't see the note at the top of Juliet, Chapter 53, here you go: Traffic Girl will continue with a sixth installment. It will be titled Traffic Girl: Katie.

I plan to maintain the long-form chapters that have become more routine in the second half of Juliet, so expect less frequent but much longer updates. Chapter 1 of Katie is very well along, and you should see it within the next week or so.

Juliet Chapter 53 -- the conclusion

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On Thursday, 10/12, with the 8 p.m. release, Traffic Girl: Juliet will conclude with the publication of Ch. 53. This is another long chapter, clocking in at more than 21,000 words. I appreciate the feedback and constructive criticism and kind words from so many of you.

Also, Traffic Girl will keep rolling along, with the shenanigans, as always, taken to new heights. The sixth installment will be Traffic Girl: Katie. It will follow immediately.

Chapter 52 arrives 9/30

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Look for it in the evening drop... 20K words of fun-filled bachelor/bachelorette party. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Chapter 52 - update

Posted at

It's coming along really well. I'm more than 17.5K words into it, and it's just got a lot going on. Should be ready in a couple days. I'm on the final part, and it feels like it will write itself. Stay tuned -- should be up this weekend!

Chapter 52

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Chapter 52 is going to be a long one. I'm guessing on the order of 20,000 words. It'll also be near the end of Juliet. I think it'll be 54 chapters all told. I've got a lot of time to write the next week or so, and I know exactly the story I want to tell here, which means it ought to come quickly. Stay tuned! In the interim, I love hearing your feedback.



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