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Hi faithful readers -- I've been slogging through Katie Ch. 10. Haven't had a ton of time to write of late, but I'm making progress. It's about 6K words along, and I know where it's going. Should be ready in the next week or two. Thanks for your patience!
Sorry for such a long delay! 21.5K fun words -- it's coming tomorrow. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.
Had a little bit of down time, but Chapter 9 is well underway. I should think it'll post this week or, at the latest, next. Thanks for your patience!
A lot of inspiration this week to write. I really like where the story is because it needed this challenge to the core group. So chapter 8, all 17K words of it, are coming out tomorrow, 2/24, at 8 p.m. Enjoy!
I see Chapters 6 and 7 as an extension of Chapter 5, so they're going to post today and tomorrow, respectively. The events in them deserve to stand alone as their own chapters, but combined, Chapters 5-7 constitute about 20,000 words... so consistent in story depth to what have been the usual chapters of late. So while 6 and 7 are shorter, there is a clear break in the action in each, so I wanted to give them their own chapters.
One contains no sex. And the two combined are absolutely pivotal to the plot. I'd love to hear what you think.
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