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lichtyd: Blog


The Loyalty Gene - Update

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I've updated the story's description and tags. The goal is to attract more readers and help dissuade readers who'd object to the rougher aspects of the story.

Kurt Vonnegut had eight rules for writers. Rule #6 reads: "Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them--in order that the reader may see what they are made of."

In TLG, many of the awful things happen "off-camera," but there is one explicit scene at the end of chapter 12. It involves a paddle, ice cubes, and butt sex. The scene provides necessary character development and presented a challenge to write. It gets across Roger's need to cause pain and it gives a taste of the trauma Stephanie endured. I think the scene satisfies Vonnegut's rule.

The Loyalty Gene - Update

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Chapter 18 is in the queue for tomorrow morning.

I hope my readers have their seatbelts buckled. It's going to get crazy.

Growing Pains with the Mac

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I mistakenly uploaded an older version of chapter 17. A newer version is in the queue.

This is what happens when you write on different platforms and don't save to the cloud or update filenames. Luckily, the newer version was still open on my iPad.

If the reference to Alfred and Michael confused anyone, the previous version kept Michael as a separate character. "He" and Alfred had a cyber bromance going on. I liked it, but an alert beta reader pointed out how it detracted from the main story arc. He was correct, this version is better.

Converting from PC to Mac

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Until now, I've used my gaming PC, but it's showing its age. I'd like to build another, but scalpers and crypto-miners have locked up the decent components.

I recently inherited my Mom's iPhone and learned to like iOS. Then I replaced my laptop with an iPAD. Things went so well, I looked into a Mac. The Mac Mini M1 got great reviews AND it cost less than the Nvidia 3080 I can't find.

Its not been 24 hours and I'm almost crazy from trying to save chapter sixteen as a flipping text file. Oh, I managed it, but not without lots of swearing.

Sixteen is up now. I'll admit, it isn't my best chapter. I'm trying to show how out of control Stephanie and Jason are without telling. At this point, Steph isn't all the way back. She's riding the high that Jason induces. Jason is dealing with his own overload.

Then there's Roger. Down anyone think a sociopath with a billionaire's resources won't try and recover his property?

I need to redo the story's description. It's not very good. It might even turn off potential readers.

The Loyalty Gene - Two Chapters Saturday Morning

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Chapter thirteen is short because of changes I made to the story. It didn't register how short until I prepped it for publication.

To make up for the length, I uploaded chapter fourteen. I think you'll like the added chapter.

Chapter fourteen is one of my favorites. It and chapter fifteen have had the most editing because I enjoy reading them.



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