Krista*: Blog


New Story Soon.

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Happy Spring, Everyone! As you know, SOL is having a "April Fools" contest. I did come up with an idea for a plot, but realized that even with assistance from Pixel the Cat, there was no way I could make it a stand alone story that I could post anonymously. Why? Part of the plot involves characters from a previous story of mine. That would disqualify the story from the contest. But I still had fun writing it and I hope that you enjoy reading it. You should see it within the next day or so.

- Krista

Time to go home.

Posted at Updated:

The final chapter of Homecoming has been edited and will be posted soon.

Homecoming, Chapter 7

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New chapter will post soon! Pixel the Cat is checking it to make sure it looks ok and nothing TOO crazy happens! Well, maybe a little crazy. But what is a high school dance without some drama?

Superbowl Sunday!

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Hello everyone! The next chapter of "Homecoming" has been submitted for posting and with luck, it will be up in time for you to read it during YET ANOTHER time out, when the big game is on. Family and friends are getting together to watch. I really don't care who is playing, but a lot of the people will be cheering for the Eagles, simply because last year the chiefs beat the 49rs. It is a silly game trying to fight over 25 cents. I mean, everyone is screaming "GET THE QUARTER BACK!"


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I want to apologize to everyone here for the delay of the next chapter of Homecoming. In spite of my being cautious and getting the latest updated vaccines, I ended up with (a mild case of) COVID. I promise that once I am feeling a little better, amd NOT like something the cat brought in and then brought up, I will continue the next chapter. - Krista



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