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For those who have continuously asked, I have finally written part three of Joseph and Kailey Cuomo's story. It's much more of a fluff piece than I typically write, and at only 5,300 words, mercifully (for me) brief. I hope you enjoy.
I've received several emails asking why I write, why I'm so prolific, and where the inspiration for my stories comes from. Well, why I write and am so prolific comes from the same source. If I had been born sometime after the mid-eighties, I would have been diagnosed with ADHD and put on medication to calm me down. I have been diagnosed with ADHD, but as an adult, I can and have told them where to shove their medication. Luckily for me, I was born in an era where boisterous boys were accepted. Behaviour that got my youngest son banished from school, in my time, was handled by a masculine male teacher who would demand I run a lap of the school to burn off some energy. I'm grateful to The Creator that I was born then.
Writing calms my often hyperactive mind and stops me from visiting dark places in my mind and spiralling into depression. The black dog of depression is an undefeatable foe I have fought for most of my adult life.
I have an addictive personality that, luckily for me, has controlling tendencies. That means that I avoid drugs because I detest being out of control, and it also means that despite drinking like a fish, I have only been drunk twice in my 60+ years.
The inspiration question is more challenging to answer. The simple answer is that I have an overactive imagination fueled by my ADHD. The more complex answer is that I read a lot and regularly think I could write that story so much better. Arrogance is what that's called. Some of my stories come from interactions with my readers and followers. I've discovered that a lot of readers have many fantasies squirming through their minds, but they're too scared to write them down in case someone is offended by them, or they'll think the writer's a freak. I've written several stories from email conversations with those people. I encourage them to write their own stories, but their lack of self-confidence prevents them, so I do it for them.
Anyway, I hope this answers some of my readers' questions. JohnM.
The final part of Hermaphrodite: The War on Terror was released today. I'm uncertain if there's enough interest to pursue this story, so I'll wait for viewer figures before proceeding. If there's enough interest, I'll flesh out the next part of the story. I have the synopsis written but not the story. JohnM
A new chapter posted today. Hopefully, you will enjoy little Miss Emma's continuing adventures into submission and sexual slavery.
Placed in the queue for publishing today. Hopefully it will be available to view shortly. Another long one, I'm afraid.
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