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INtrinSicliValud: Blog


A Word About Scores

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After posting last week about adding your scores to increase visibility, I received a few comments. Most were along the lines of “why do you care?”

Here’s a secret: I don’t. Shocking, right? But wait, bear with me for a second.

From my perspective, scores, stars or any other simplistic feedback are of little value. Instead, they’re for other readers. Why? The stories you see on SOL, or the books purchased on Bookapy have been completed for several months. No score will affect their completion, nor that of a half-dozen similar tales already moving through The Yards.

It’s one reason I chuckle at the brigade of 1-score trolls who downvote instantly based on content they’d be far better off avoiding. Their misplaced efforts make no difference to me. Unfortunately, the people they do impact are those readers who enjoy such content. Lower scores mean stories aren’t as visible. Hence, my request to do your fellow readers a favor and vote for those stories you enjoy. Not just mine, but from any author kind enough to share their work on this or any site.

On the flip side, reviews and critical feedback are of great value. If they are provided upon conclusion of the story. Beforehand, see above; the story’s already written. No, I’m not changing anything, unless it’s an obvious mistake. In which case, I correct it before shooting the editor and promoting the assistant editor.

As authors, we’ve done our part by sharing, so do yours and provide legitimate feedback to help your fellow readers find our works. That’s what scoring systems accomplish. At least for me.

Hugs and a hearty “thank you” to all those who continue to support my efforts. You make this all worthwhile.


Quiet Editing

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Only a quick update this week. After letting the muses off their leashes to scribble a short-story contest entry for another site, it’s been back to editing. All thirty-eight chapters of “The Immortal, Volume 2” are complete, as are the various submission formats.

Red pencil in the air, I’m already plowing on to the next project. Because of an upcoming deadline, that’s a return to the older story’s updates. Expect to see the new version posted by the end of the month, both here and on Bookapy.

Likewise, I’m taking a hard look at another of my earlier stories. Its sequel, a novel-sized story with much better prose, is in the editing cue. Which means I need to find time to update the original tale.

Another round of thanks to my supporters. Your kind words, purchases, and feedback all fuel The Yards. If you’re not scoring and reviewing, please consider doing so. It helps bring my work to the attention of others.



Back on Track

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Those following along on Discord are aware I’ve decided to rehabilitate one of my older titles. It’s rather amazing how far my writing has come in the past three years. I can’t help but wonder what I’ll be mumbling under my breath amid quiet curses three years from now while reading the stuff I’m sharing nowadays. Ah, the march of progress, right?

The immediate impact was the delay of Jim’s next compendium, but that’s now back in The Yards. Bar a rising creek, I should still make my promised schedule release date of August on Bookapy. Its chapters will begin biweekly posting on SOL at the same time.

Once Jim’s next collection is complete, it’s off to tackle the next novel in my backlog. Herded into a dark corner while I hack through stacks of existing drafts, the muses remain quite grumpy. Perhaps they’re getting sleepy. A bit more bourbon may have been, um, added to the ol’ coffee. Shhhh.

Note: “Bad Mommy” was completed on 11 May. As such, it will slide into Premium status next week on the 11th.

Thanks once more to those of you supporting me in one way or another. You’re what makes this more than a self-licking ice cream cone of a hobby.



New Novel, New Main Character

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Today marks the release of “The Conqueror’s Rise” on Bookapy. Another tale written from a male POV; this time I envisioned the hero (anti-hero?) as a counter to lovable, confused Aiden from The Ring Saga.

On the cusp of graduating high school, Damon Porter is a young man hyper-focused on his goals. One of them is amassing enough money to leave his small town. The other is to use what he’s found on the internet to coerce his hot teacher. However, being me, there’s much more to both sides of the tale. Others become involved and, well….

It was fun to write. As with most of my works, there’s room for a sequel, but we’ll see if it’s well-received. Per my upload schedule, SOL will see its thirty-seven chapters posted weekly beginning next March.

Another title is also headed your way later this month. Yippee, backlogged projects are finally shaking clear of The Yards.

Once more, humongous hugs to my supporters. You all rock!


“Aiden Ascending” and “Not Yet”

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After being on sale since October, both stories arrive on SOL, beginning this week. Chapters of the former will post biweekly, while those of “Not Yet” will be released weekly. For readers who wish to skip ahead, these titles will sport reduced prices on Bookapy until 30 June.

Also, The Yards are cranking. Expect to see two new novels on sale next month.

Busy, busy.

Hugs to you all.




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