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INtrinSicliValud: Blog


Ah, Dan and Daisy

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It’s been three years since I shared my first story, their tale, “On the Highway.” Ever since, there’s been this niggling desire to return and explore the ramifications of what occurred. As such, “After the Highway” is on pre-order at a reduced price, releasing 1 November on Bookapy and its twenty-two chapters will begin posting here weekly on 7 December.

Note, it’s a longer story; there’s much to unpack. As always, I do hope you enjoy revisiting them; it was great fun rekindling old memories and deciphering both characters. As my first, they will forever hold a very special place in my heart, and attentive followers should recognize their traits in others, gracing newer works.

Since “Not Yet” concludes today, next Saturday, 2 November, the inaugural chapter of “Solace from Power” will arrive here on SOL; eighteen more to follow, one a week. Little did I know when I wrote the story that one of the characters (name changed) would go on to have even more interesting real-life adventures, but such is the timeline of fiction writing. In any event, I believe you’ll enjoy that story as well; the tale has been quite popular on Bookapy.

Once more, hugs and boundless thanks to my supporters.


Third Anniversary!

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Alright, confession time: I’d no idea sharing my naughty wird-skribblz would still be a thing three years later. However, you’ve all been so kind, supportive, and engaging that, if anything, my writing tempo has increased even further. How so, you may ask? To date, besides the ongoing serialized story of Jim in “The Immortal,” fifteen novels, four novellas, and twenty-nine short stories have been completed and shared. Six novels are in the queue, pending release, while eleven others are in The Yards, awaiting edits, with eight additional ones ready for drafting once I scrounge the time. Add to that, numerous short stories scheduled for 2025, and there’s enough content to last well into the end of the decade. Weeeee.

The first of the new releases is “Solace from Power,” a steamy romance, chronicling a successful gigolo and his narcissistic neighbor, a well-known (name changed), conservative congresswoman. It remains on pre-order, going on sale, 1 October, with free weekly chapters on SOL beginning 2 November.

So much has changed in a year; although SOL/Bookapy remains central to my efforts, success has led to the above title being the latest to launch wide, feeding a broader audience of which I was unaware until last fall. However, other things remain constant; my manifesto is still a daily touchstone, reminding me to improve my craft, seek new challenges, and hungrily slurp ever greater enjoyment from bringing complex characters to life.

Once more, I find myself humbled by those of you following my saga, reading my works, and providing kind words, guidance, and feedback. Don’t think for a second that I forget readers owe me nothing; every response is appreciated. Furthermore, a very special “thank you” to those who’ve purchased my books. Although the bourbon intake has lessened, the kindness of your hard-earned doubloons aids both the muses and their ever-grateful herder.

Humongous hugs.


Back to the Beginning

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The first story I posted on SOL, “On the Highway,” has had a quasi-sequel languishing in The Yards for almost two years. At long last, I finished the rough draft last year and it’s entered the editing halls. That will keep me busy through the end of the month. If all goes according to plan, “After the Highway,” a much more involved longer tale, dealing with the ramifications of the first story’s events, will launch in December.

As such, I gave serious consideration to updating “On the Highway” ala “Owning My Image.” However, ultimately, I decided against it. Although the prose is a little janky and my style has sharpened, it should stand as a marker: “Here it all began.”

In the meantime, I’ve set up one of those folding playpens. Within its padded walls, the wild-eyed muses are wobbling around, spewing words for another fun write. It keeps the darling little critters amused so I may focus on editing. This one’s a dual-POV maledom story, based on a real-world tragedy’s “what-if” scenario. Dark, yet quite enjoyable to explore.

Hugs to all my readers, followers, haters, critics, and any souls tracking my efforts. You all rock in your own unique, wondrous ways.



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A couple of notes for those new to Jim’s saga as recounted in “The Immortal,” since its second volume launched today.

First, “Volume 1” is discounted 50% through the end of the month on Bookapy. That should help those of you who’ve not already read it, get up to speed. Especially since, also at the end of the month, it’ll tiptoe behind the premium wall to encourage support for the site.

Second, after much previous grinding of gears, I decided it should continue as a serialized tale. One very much centered on Jim and those around him, as he builds a sexy and very devoted following. As such, although the supernatural goings-on are headed for an interesting place, they remain secondary to that story.

Note, this differs from the way I’ve structured “The Ring” stories. That sneaky little jewelry, with its smoke-shrouded past, is the key. Aiden’s bond to it, although central to his piece of the story, is being stretched ever onwards, towards a definitive showdown. Expect several other stories, reflecting on the impact of that ever-tautening drag and its aftermath. Those are told from varying viewpoints, offering additional perspectives on the ring itself and Aiden’s unusual history.

Both stories move forward, but at differing paces and wandering into a variety of shadowed niches. Plus, I should add, they are being written and edited amid a variety of other novels. Gotta keep my wide-ranging muses occupied.

As always, my thanks to all of you. The kind words and feedback continue to impact my ability to provide you intriguing content in the most wondrous way. Those of you supporting me and the site through Bookapy—well, you simply rock.



"The Immortal, Volume 2"

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As promised, the second volume of Jim’s saga is already available for pre-order at a lower price on Bookapy. It launches concurrently with the first free chapter appearing here on SOL next Saturday. The remaining thirty-seven chapters will be posted biweekly thereafter.

What else is chugging along in The Yards? A fun write mentioned on my Discord is keeping the muses entertained while I review the next sequel’s rough draft. This one is a follow-on to “On the Highway.” Dan and Daisy’s adventures created some serious ramifications for both my lovely protagonists. Among my first, I adore them, thus in “After the Highway” they both…spoilers. -giggle-

Another massive thank you for all the lovely words and feedback. You fuel the muses and keep me grinding away in The Yards on whatever they fling at me.





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