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INtrinSicliValud: Blog


Sweet Laura and More

Posted at 10/7/2021, 12:37:11 PM

1.) Today sees the posting of Chapters 4 and 5 of "Owning My Image," having made it through my hopefully sharper editing knives. In these, more opportunities for Laura lead to things heating up for her and her husband. Oh, and it's going to get a lot hotter, I promise. Speaking of hotter, Chapter 6 has lots of raunchy goodness and is a bit longer because I love to write all that squishy, chest arching stuff. As such, it will come out alone next Thursday.

2.) In addition, as an exercise, I worked up a good old-fashioned stroke story. Even though it has no character development whatsoever, I rather enjoyed penning it. And, shush, I kinda liked the characters. Furthermore, because I love to leave plot hooks lying around, there is potential for several follow-on adventures. But as it stands, it's a lone piece. Again, your votes and comments matter, so if there is a clamor, I can easily "just make more."

3.) Finally, a second story survived editing early. Originally planned for release next week, everyone has been so supportive, so I wanted to share early. I based this one on an e-mail suggestion from "On the Highway" and I hope you adore Naomi as much as I enjoyed writing her. It's technically complete, in so far as point 2 above. I'm sure you'll find the hooks I left behind to support future stories if it is successful enough to support expansion. Bah, who am I kidding? Even if ya'll don't enjoy it, I will write her backstory and sequels so I can find out more. I like her.

And that, right there. That liking of my characters…. Sigh. I like all my characters, no matter that recounting their madcap adventures drives me mad.

A Busy, Busy Schedule

Posted at 10/4/2021, 2:12:00 PM

Over the weekends, I assess my progress and forecast what kind of lunacy I will share. Here's what I am juggling behind the scenes:

1.) Laura's first tale, "Owning My Image," is complete bar final edits. Chapters 4 and 5 (c.7k words) should survive and publish on Thursday. It seems to be doing quite well, and I am glad folks are enjoying it.

2.) While Dan and Daisy's next adventure, "At the Party," is in rough draft, which means c.5k words of major scenes and key dialog already sketched, I am torn. The first story hasn't done as well as expected. Content? My shitty writing? Who knows? All emails to me were positive, but there haven't been many votes, so I am guessing a lack of overall interest. As such, looks like I will slow-roll their story. I need time to mull it over. In any event, I am interested in documenting the rest of their tale, so I may keep the sequels to myself.

3.) However, as a result of a reader's concept in response to "On the Highway," the muses slammed into my head at 0200 the other day. Therefore, I wrote a new tale (c.15k words). It will be the first of several tales, including a few shorter stroke stories, based on sluts and the men, or women (or others) who train them. As I perused my stable of concepts and rough drafts, I also grouped similar stories under a "Slut Tales" series heading.

4.) In addition, the first three chapters (c.14k words) of the origin tale for Dan and Daisy's related MC now have updated text. No matter what happens with their story, I will release this story. It just requires updating to my current standards.

5.) And finally, because why not increase my load, I eyeballed my first serialized fiction. That story, revolving around another MC and totaling close to 750k words in three volumes, is now in the update process. I wrote it during a particularly dark time in my life. As such, it will carry copious warnings because of its content, which is darker than my more recent works. While it worked to keep me sane(-ish), as lurid escapism it contains unrestrained sexuality, which some folks do not enjoy. No worries, I will do my best to warn you all. If there is interest, I will continue to edit and publish. If not, welp… see point 2; I will update and keep it to myself.

6.) Meanwhile, I am working, one way or another, on 40+ stories, ranging from novella trilogies and short stories to another early sanity (mostly) saving serialized fiction project.

So, yeh, I have a lot to share as long as people want to read my drivel. As always, I evaluate all feedback I receive. For example, apparently my sharp editing knives were not as sharp as I thought. As such, I made some reader-spotted edits to "On the Highway" as well as the first two chapters of "Owning My Image." Thanks to the eagle-eyed reader who spotted them.

Please keep the emails coming with suggestions, comments, or criticism. I am beyond thrilled folks enjoy at least some of my scribbled words.

Once again, thank you all so much for your support.

Dear Sweet Laura

Posted at 9/30/2021, 12:45:03 PM

Since you all were so kind to dear Daisy and her husband Dan, I wanted to introduce you to one of my other favorite darlings. One of my more recent creations, my sweetheart, Laura, rightfully occupies the center of her own universe. This is only the first of three stories based on her adventures, and it is complete with nineteen chapters. Furthermore, I have most of the key scenes and dialogue for the two sequels. So, should you enjoy her saga as much as Dan and Daisy, I will complete them tout de suite.

A special note regarding Laura's husband Dave. While he begins the tale a bit overwhelmed, fear not, he too will change as the tale progresses.

Behind the scenes, not to worry, work is proceeding on Dan and Daisy's next story, as well as upgrading my early text for their MC's back story. Once the latter's first chapters pass muster, I will release them with the hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed scribing them. Truthfully, I am enjoying updating the text and reconnecting with old friends as well as seeing where my madness began.

My intent is to upload chapter(s) of Laura's tale as they survive the trials of my sharp-knifed final edit every Thursday.

Gratitude, Challenges and The Future

Posted at 9/27/2021, 1:55:20 PM

Wow! Thank you all for the incredible support and for showing such great interest in my first work. It means so much to me that so many folks have downloaded my humble story and provided such incredibly positive feedback.

While the score is somewhat wobbly, several readers have been kind enough to explain there may be issues with some of the content. Read my profile, sorry not sorry. However, I feel some explanation is due for the inclusion of weak male or submissive MM sex. As a bit of a pantser, my characters more often than not tell me what they will do to/for whom. If that flings them across comfy "niche/genre" lines, I dutifully follow and scribe their tales. At the same time, I get to explore the emotions involved with all kinds of sex, and frankly never had a hard line between MM-MF-FF-XX or any other combination, or kink for that matter, in my writing.

Nonetheless, I am now well aware this stance may keep my scores low and discourage potential readers. But it is one of the main reasons why I don't publish professionally; forcing my darlings into neat little boxes to forever repeat the same type of niche-specific actions is not fair to them. However, I will now append more strident warnings to my descriptions. After all you shouldn't be dragged into my world, but feel free to peek. You may be as surprised as I am by some of the twists and turns my darlings love to impart on tropes.

Right, now on to the future. The unexpected support for a continuation of Dan and Daisy's escapades has led me to a bit of a quandary. None of my precious characters live/love in a vacuum. In their case, they exist within one of two, maybe three, Universes centered on a main character (MC).

And, since they will meet the MC and one of his main (no spoilers here) other people in the next story, I feel it is time to bring some of my older writing up to my current standard to provide the MC's back story. Therefore, once each chapter of his origin story is released from final editing, I will post it. While all the chapters are written and this first story is complete, the writing is uneven. Character flaw - I am just a bit of a stickler for providing the best prose I can muster, smut or not. If his story is well-received, rest assured I already have two sequels similarly complete that only require updated prose.

Finally, I have several other stories also inbound. And once my schedule firms up, I will provide updates and a publishing schedule.

Greetings All

Posted at 9/23/2021, 7:31:12 PM

Just a quick post to say how much I am looking forward to providing some hopefully good entertaining reading in the future. It has been a long struggle to hack away at decades of obtuse business writing in order to let my more creative side run free.

The works I have drafted for my own pleasure have focused on people discovering things they had kept hidden, i.e. dark secrets, buried cravings, etc. Some have a tinge of fantasy to spice things up but, surprisingly quite a few of them are inspired by real events. Now I hope to share some of them with you. I have no niche, no genre,and tend to just let my characters do what they need to do. It has been a crazy ride as their writer.

In any event, I do hope you enjoy and if not, any constructive criticism will be taken into account for future submissions.



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