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INtrinSicliValud: Blog



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Here in the US, it's Veteran's Day, so I raise a mug of liberally fortified coffee to all my brothers and sisters. We did dumb things. We did scary things. And we did things that nobody will ever know to keep the world safe. We are a family united by sacrifice. Take care of each other.

In the rest of the world, it's Remembrance Day. And I raise my mug to salute all who never made it home, who lie mourned and unmourned, in cemeteries and in unmarked hallowed ground. May the guns one day finally fall silent. Please.


In today's "Owning Her Image" chapters, Laura comes face to face with the results of her over-the-top night of drug and alcohol fueled debauchery. Will her marriage survive? How? Who actually does own her image? Oh, my poor, sweet Laura.

Meanwhile, in this week's "Aiden and the Ring" chapter, Aiden and Gina reflect in the aftermath of their first encounter. This one is slower to give them a bit of a break before we speed up once more.

I do hope you enjoy and, as always, feedback is most welcome. You are the fuel that keeps me posting.


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Apologies. The correct Chapter 4 for Aiden is submitted and on the way. Never ignore the "Low Caffeine" warning light.

Happy November!

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Some folks have asked, but not to worry, as I plow onwards into my NaNoWriMo rough draft, I have set aside time to edit "Owning My Image" and "Aiden and the Ring."

As such, today's three, that's right - three, chapters see our dear Laura and her suffering husband, Dave, free-falling with failed parachutes into the depths of pitch black darkness. Oh my, where can they possibly go from here? I know… I know, I am so mean. But I love them both, and frankly, knowing the plot of the sequel already makes me giddy. Of course, I still must write and edit it, so it will be awhile before I can share, but I do love them both.

In addition, as much as I would love to post more than one chapter of my sweet Aiden and Gina tale at a time, I hesitate to rush the editing. As I've previously said, this is the first of three "books" dealing directly with Aiden and he wanders through or is prominent in several other tales on my drive already. And I want to share his tale sooner rather than later, but it requires much more work before I inflict them upon you. Therefore, I will stick to one chapter a week for the foreseeable future. But oh my, is it heating up quickly.

Editing old stuff reminds me of all the emotions I put into these characters. Hopefully, I have written well enough that you can feel what I do. If not…Well, I gotta get better, right?

Darkness and Light

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Today marks two more chapters of "Owning My Image" coming your way. My dear sweet Laura and her loving husband Dave are now almost in free-fall, hurtling towards the darkest depths. A fair warning, there is more husband/down in these as they both struggle with the fluctuating power dynamic in their relationship. Will their marriage even survive? And how? Stay tuned. I love them both.

The next chapter of "Aiden and the Ring" should be up as well. He and Mrs. Davis twist and turn towards their destiny. As much as I would love to post multiple chapters, they are taking longer to upgrade than I thought. Any new author will tell you; when you go back to your earlier stuff…. Well, it sucks. Okay, maybe not sucks, but I will not share it in its original state. You deserve better. So it's taking a bit of time to polish and remove some of the cringey-er bits.

Once again, a reminder NaNoWriMO kicks off on Monday. So, I will be slewing my main batteries to engage that 50k word target. Not to worry, the requested sequels are simmering away and I have them on my production schedule. And, knowing me, I will still work on showing some love to Dan and Daisy, Naomi, and even my Hungry Wife. Oh, and The Student. She's such a cutie.

One Month!

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Since this is the end of the first month of posting, I crunched numbers this weekend. As of this morning, you have downloaded my stories 17,907 times, and they have received 317 votes, which is a vote/download ratio of 1.77%. The highest rated stories are "On My Own Terms" and "The Student," which is interesting as both of them were the least downloaded. The average score of all my stories is 6.78.

What does all this mean? While not statistically significant, SOL scores are used to rank stories on the site. With an average score of 6.78, mine do not appear in lists of better stories. Other authors are getting higher scores, so I need to get better. Well, doh.

And that's where the string of "Thank You" above comes into play. For whom am I writing? The c.17k nonvoters? The 317 votes? My followers, love you all? Or myself? The answer was myself before this experiment, so that no longer applies. Which means now… Well, it's all of you. I mean, just shy of 18,000 people have downloaded my stories! Maybe they didn't like them, maybe they did. Maybe they never even read them. But at least they saw them. So, you know what? I am going to keep at it.

And that means a super "Thank you!" to all my followers and those of you kind enough provide constructive criticism. Even those of you unkind enough to negatively comment remind me I cannot please all the people all the time. I'm okay with that. It may be smut, but I write about complex people in complex relationships making complex decisions.

As such, Laura and Dave's twisting journey into darkness and beyond, "Owning My Image," is on track and I will continue to post chapter clusters as they pass final review. That looks like five more Thursdays, ending just before Thanksgiving. Likewise for "Aiden and the Ring." I have the next four chapters prepped for posting, which will take us through about the same time next month.

That may be all from me for a while since November is National Novel Writing Month and I am writing a sexy, sci-fi romance story. I have only this week to complete world-building and character development. Then it's on to crank out a 50k rough draft about a naïve super-soldier and the space princess/corporate woman who loves him. I love 'em both, because…. Well, that's what I do.

So, another massive thanks to all of you who take the time and effort to provide encouragement and positive feedback.



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