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I was in a hurry yesterday, so I posted Chapter Two of my story A Submissive Sibling before I did a final edit. Normally, I give a finished chapter a rest of at least a few hours then read it out loud to myself, looking for typos and things that don't sound right. I did that today and uploaded a revised Chapter Two just now. No huge changes, but mostly just some fixes with dialog and a few small typos sniped.
Thanks to everyone who has read it so far! It's approaching 50 votes and I'm pretty happy with the score so far.
Malcom Walker
Nashville, Tennessee
I'm back from a week being out on the road where I was unable to write or make updates. I uploaded a new, fairly long chapter of The Gloria Hole today which I hope everyone will enjoy. Be sure to check the codes if you are triggered easily, since I took the story in a different direction than I had originally planned and I don't want anyone to be rudely surprised.
Huge thanks once again to everyone that has been reading my stories and voting on them. Feel free to comment or message me if you want to chat about any of them.
Malcom Walker
Nashville, Tennessee
I sent in Chapter Three for my story The Gloria Hole yesterday. For some reason it never hit the main page feed, but the downloads are starting to pick up a little for it.
This is the first story I'm writing here that didn't have a definite ending in my head, so the codes are likely going to change a bit for it as I get closer to completing it. I'm not trying to confuse or misdirect the reader, but knowing how my brain works, a few people might be upset if I keep going in the same direction.
Malcom Walker
Nashville, Tennessee
I posted the final chapter of my novella Catching Alice today. I'm very happy with how it turned out, and Tommy and Alice will return in Part Two, which I haven't finalized the name of yet.
I appreciate everyone that has downloaded Catching Alice and especially those that voted for it. Whether you loved it or hated it, I would love to hear from you in the comments or a personal message.
I've also submitted the first two chapters of a new story, which should be up soon.
Malcom Walker
Nashville, Tennessee
I got a little carried away today, and ended up posting both Chapter Four and Chapter Five of my serial story Catching Alice. I also included multiple illustrations in Chapter Five, which I think turned out great. Please let me know if you enjoy them.
I've been blown away with how many people have been downloading it since I started, which is quite humbling for a new author who has never really had an audience before. The story has over 5600 downloads and 109 votes so far. I have no idea how that stacks up, but I'm sure happy about it. I'm also up to 30 followers, which is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for trusting me with your precious reading time.
If you're reading the story, then the next chapter will be the long awaited First Date Night for Tommy and Alice, which will take place at a familiar location. It's a longer chapter, and is the first big climax in the story, so it might take me a day or two to finish editing it. Check out my author favourites list for some great stories by other authors which can help tide you over.
Malcom Walker
Nashville, Tennessee
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