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Greven: Blog


Hello from the hospital

Posted at

Hey everyone, I've been trying to figure things out and so I will just come out and say This. Due to an accident I won't be writing again for some time. Now don't worry, I will have my wife go over and post the last four chapters of my current story, but until the docs, and life, allow it I won't be posting any stories after this one.

It's been a lot of fun, and I have really enjoyed this, but you know who things are, the moment you are really happy, the universes tests you. I hope to see you all again in the future, Greven.

The final chapter

Posted at

Well "Just when I thought it was over" is finally over. I want to thank everyone who gave me so much encouragement. It was a really fun ride, I loved living in Mikael's world, and was rather sad to leave it.However when it reached it's end I was glad to have been able to record it in words.

Right now I am working on two new projects. A short sci fi, and I have the outline for a new fantasy project started as well. I hope all my current readers will enjoy them both and support me in them as you have with "just when I thought it was over".

One of my favorite authors once said that a writer builds playgrounds of the mind. We build something for people to find, play around in, and maybe take something with them when they leave. I really hoped you liked my little playground, Greven.

For all my wonderful readers

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I'm releasing a mid week chapter as a gift to all the people who keep voting for me, giving me their positive and encouraging letters, and leaving such nice comments.

You all make it easy to keep writing and keep the juices flowing.

Thank you all so much, Greven.

Here is an idea for my readers

Posted at

Ok, so I am having fun getting back into writing as a fiction author. Most everyone is great, and I am grateful for the great words I get from all of you. After all feedback is why most of us keep writing.

Anyway back to the point. I am currently working on three different stories. Two new fantasy, and one a post apocalyptic story I began working on years ago.

What I am wondering is if I should drop a test page, the first chapter, to see if these are worth working on or should I drop them and focus elsewhere.

What do you all think?

I'm back again, but it's differnt this time around.

Posted at

Well I started writing in what little time I have and something changed. I have started to write fiction, rather than erotica, and having a lot of fun doing it. So feel free to take a look and enjoy.

P.S. For those who love to complain about editing, ignore this completely. While I only use word to catch the major errors and reread to catch as many others as possible.The little buggers still make it through.

Since I'm not getting paid to do this, don't expect that level of commitment.



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