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Greven: Blog


I'm blown away by everyone here

Posted at

I had a rough start, but I never expected so much love for my stories. Every time I sign in there are e-mails with great comments, thanks, and positive responses.

I want to thank everyone who reads my stories, votes, and comments so wonderfully. It lets me know the stories I worked on all those years ago are still loved, and the people they are based on are not forgotten.

Thanks so much, Greven.

Thanks for all the love

Posted at

When I started posting my work here it was to allow people to read some of what I created years ago on other sites. I pulled them together, had to make some major changes due to newer site terms, and rebuild what I had.

That isn't easy for many reasons but I did it anyway because these aren't just my stories. These were the dreams and desires of women that I became good friends with and leaving them to sit on my hard drive didn't sit well with me.

Since I wrote these stories my life has changed in many ways. These changes made it hard for me to do the due diligence required of a serious author, but then I am not a serious author anymore. I'm a father and a husband first and foremost. What I am doing is trying to keep my friends stories alive, and give people a glimpse into their world.

Other than a few nit pickers the response has been wonderful. I had to be reminded of something the great Mel Brooks once said "With the creation of the artist came the inevitable afterbirth, the critic". I had to remember to listen to the many instead of the one.

Considering the competition here, to stand in the rating so high for so long helps me to gain that much needed perspective. It also gives me strength to keep going back, making the changes, and hoping to keep the spirit of the stories the same while doing so. (I have a t least three series so far that I haven't been able to do that with.)

So I am here to say thanks. Thanks for supporting me, supporting my friends memories, and for the encouragement to keep going forwards.

Please remember that the more you tell all of us authors what you like, what you loved, and how it made you feel is what keeps us hammering at these keys. It's the love of our readers and friends that keeps us going to you can keep reading.

So thanks again for everything, Greven.

Off to a good start

Posted at Updated:

So, here I am.

Now I am just starting here on stories online and so far I am liking it. After posting three stories I am encouraged to keep posting my stories here.

Now a little back story.

A long time ago in a place far away (aka the early 2000's) I was writing on Asstr and people liked my rather vanilla stories. One of my readers told me I ought to expand and move to Mr.Double and even earn a few bucks doing it.

After moving there I had quite a few readers that liked the way I wrote but were not that thrilled about my subjects, considering them....well vanilla. As an author there were tools like author blogs where I could reach out and talk to the people interested in my stories.

This lead to me beginning to do request and commission stories. Doing this I met some great women who had some incredible stories to tell. Most were tragic and full of loss and regret, and what they wanted me to do was to take their real lives and give them a Disney treatment. Keep the story as true as possible, but turn them around.

It was rough to start with because of the subject matter. See most of these women's problems started at a young age and that meant exploring areas of sexuality I was not comfortable with. To give these stories depth and reality meant I would have to leave my comfort zone, but after hearing these women's experiences I felt it was worth doing right.

This led to learning about incest, hebephilia , and other parts of the human experience I had avoided thinking about all my adult life. I figured I was doing a good job since those stories usually ended up in some of the most read stories. The women I wrote for loved my work and oddly my forum seemed to be filled with women exchanging personal stories and helping each other.

Well after ten years of writing, and over 200 stories posted the site was taken down, and all my work lost. No I didn't post them elsewhere, and after all those years I tended to wipe them to save drive space. Then a year ago I found a folder on an old drive and there were around 30 stories in rough drafts and source material.

Well I am going through them to refine what I had written and when possible reformatting the stories to conform to the current legal positions dealing with young women in sexual situations.

I just hope all of you enjoy my stories and understand these stories mostly come from the lives of real women I knew and considered my friends. They are fantasy in that the source is real, but what I offer is a glimpse into what could have been.



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