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gorp: Blog


All ahead full

Posted at Updated:

The first chapter of "Heather-Willow Book II" will post shortly. I hope it is as well received as "Willow" was.

Thanks to everyone that inquired when the story would continue.


Stop and Start

Posted at

Wow I did not see that coming.

Surgery, pain, drugs, nausea, and lack of sleep sure do cut into a writer's time and focus. I have been ill and I am behind where I wanted to be. Sorry.

Book one for Willow is finished. I needed to truncate the story somewhat to allow for a natural pause for me to get back on my feet writing wise. I have set up some directions for the plot. I hope some of you will comment if there is another question you would like answered.

Thanks to everyone that has commented. It is a great help.

Thanks to those that have voted. Please watch of Willow 2.


Lost or Found

Posted at

Storytelling seems to me to be a living, breathing, eating, shitting, crying monster. It moves in ways you never intended. It consumes time and energy and sometimes craps on your shoes. It can break your heart and screw with your mind. What a sweet addiction.

"Willow" new chapter is posted. This is not nearly as dark or violent as the last chapter.

Two primary changes are taking place. Willow is developing as a slave and Carl is developing as a Master. Both changes have been guided by Page, but she has her own agenda that has not been fully revealed.

Carl is afraid of what he will become if he keeps going along this path. This chapter has him playing a role as a master but then being confronted with the fact that he likes it. Also the distance that he has tried to maintain conflicts with what Page wants for herself and Willow.

Future chapters will develop the conflict between Page's vision of the future and Carl's.

Hope you enjoy the scene with the dentist.

Comments Please
Comments Please
Comments please

Once more into the breach: New Chapter for "Willow"

Posted at

After months of neglect, I am back posting new chapters for "Willow."

This chapter, Chapter 16, is harsh. I am willing to bet some will find it too harsh and brutal. But a story need a villain and this provides the backdrop for the action to come.

Carl is evolving. Will he become like Blackmon or like Lobo? Stay tuned and find out.

call and response

Posted at

A reader sent me a very well considered response to my writing that included a detailed analysis of my main characters. He also articulated the emotional challenge of reading a story set in such a disturbing "reality." I thought I would share my response.

Thank you #####,

Writing is a lonely experience. Writing erotica is even more so. Your thoughtful response to my characters is wonderful. That you shared your thoughts with me even more so.

You are very perceptive in terms of the conflicts within each character. I could not have written a summary of those turmoils as well as you did.

Writing in this universe has provoked some interesting comments and some strong feelings from those that have commented. I consider it like a color reversal of a photo. Instead of writing about a monster in a sane world, I am writing about shreds of sanity in a monstrous world.

But just because it is monstrous does not mean impossible. If a society that built a marvel like the Roman Colosseum could then use it to maim, torture and kill, is it possible for...well maybe not us...but people like us to act in a similar way? Nothing in Lord Blackmon's world is any more monstrous than what they did in the Roman Empire. Rwanda, Cambodia, the Russian gulags, the Japanese rape of Nanking, are all examples of a "modern" world acting no better than the universe I am describing.

So if we begin by dropping the idea of "impossible," what might be probable? Given such a world as Lord Blackmon's, what would it look like? Take a geek that has never been able to connect with women, that may have been hurt by rejection and isolation, and suddenly give him license to explore sexual behavior with no monitor or filter. Inject him with the taboo thrill of violence mixed with sex. Watch his keen and creative mind search for different and greater thrills. Can he self monitor? What are his limits?

What of the other side of the coin. How does a slave cope in such a world? What has pushed Page so far towards acceptance of the role of a slave? Is there just one response possible, that of rejection and revolt, that is legitimate for such a situation? Is the bomb that killed people a more legitimate response than what Page has done?

Carl and Willow are on the same journey, but in different boats. How will they change? Is any sexuality in this context wrong?

Your comment about how you felt when Page described to Willow what her fate had been at the auction was important to me as a writer. You felt the horror. Thank you.

God I sound like such a pompous ass!

{{ The original poster wrote: "To be honest it's a world that really needs to be carpet bombed, ripped up and started again!"}}
When you begin the carpet bombing, I need to be Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove. (Please tell me if you get the reference.)

I am not writing for social commentary or to argue a point of view. I am a humble writer I have taken an challenging and exotic setting and have tried to make an interesting story. I have done so for my enjoyment of the struggle to write. All that I said above is my workbench for the writing process. Thank you for joining the journey.

Please keep commenting.




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