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gorp: Blog


Zoe- conclusion

Posted at Updated:

Tomorrow is the conclusion of “Zoe”. Thanks for reading. Any feedback you give would be valuable.


Zoe- should I turn left or right?

Posted at

I appreciate feedback, even when someone says that they did not want to finish the story because of the direction of the plot. Thank you for that information.

But what I really thought was cool was when I asked what would have made the story better for them... and they answered me! Now, which direction would have made a better story? I am not sure, but it was great to see and think about the story from a different perspective. Feedback is so important to growing as an author, take a moment to RESPECTFULLY comment on the hard work of the writers here on SOL.


New Chaper for "Zoe" - when to submit a new chapter?

Posted at

Adding a new chapter for Zoe. I am going to post much more quickly, I need to get this completed so I can take a job out of the country?

But it does bring up something I have wanted to ask...As an author, when do you post? Do you post as soon as a chapter is ready or wait until you have completed the story?

New Chapter for "Zoe"

Posted at

Holidays mean the normal sequence of events, opportunities and activities are tossed in the air and they come down... wherever.

Sorry this is later than I intended, could not be helped.

Please send comments on the story.



Moving the story forward

Posted at Updated:

I have posted Chapter 5 of "Zoe" to the system. I will be posting as my kind editor sends me the corrections for my wayward grammar.

But the delay has allowed me to be in touch with another author and discuss the process of writing these stories. Outside of the technical elements, it is the mental process that I enjoy talking about. The choices we make, how we see the character, etc. I hope you will comment on the choices made in this story.



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