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Ever in search of ways to tempt the morals and scruples of my fellow prurient readers, please enjoy this web link dedicated to "The Penis" https://www.powerthesaurus.org/penis/synonyms
"A Fundamental Betrayal" is now available on Bookapy. I did not know how to catalogue the tale between SF and fantasy. Let the hair-splitters squawk while the rest of us who seek plot-driven stories with a few naughty scenes along the way enjoy. Posting by chapter should begin by Friday, but no promises.
The last chapter posts tomorrow with its final, unpredictable twist. Thank you for coming along for the ride.
My apologies, but there will be no posting of Dear Corrigan today. When uploading the chapters, I apparently skipped today's date.
Now that a few chapters have posted, readers may realize that the story description is a bit tongue-in-cheek. The romance is not squishy angst, the writer is shoveling the s**t, and the A.I. goes right for the gonads. Bon appétit!
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