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DragoTime: Blog


Where the Hell am I?

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Over the past few months I've had many people message me wondering where the hell I am, including whether or not I'm dead. (One person even messaged me in German, which I found interesting. I mean, I do speak German, but it still caught me off guard).

Understandable, as the only thing I've posted this year was a one-off thing in January.

Basically since september I've been living abroad. I was 1st teaching English, and then studying, which has kept me busy. My free time has been spent socialising and/or sleeping.

Also in the past few weeks my laptop keyboard has been fucking up, making typing anything a huge pain.

I do still wanna finish my Master PC story, and I have a lot of other ideas, but time and enthusiasm are not things I have a lot of.

As always you can keep up with my on Twitter @Drago_Time.

Obligatory New Year Blog Post

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It's now 2018 this side of the Atlantic, which means one thing: That blog post I was going to write is now late. Great.

My 2017 hasn't been great posting wise. The last half of it was almost empty, and also I've been having family problems the last week. So that, combined with the political shitstorm of this year means it probably won't be held very highly in my memories when I'm an old man. I mean, sure I've spent the last 3 months working abroad, but I'm choosing to be very negative about the whole thing.

What will 2018 mean for me? More time spent abroad, more waiting to see what injustices will be committed, and hoping that next Christmas is slightly better.

In terms of writing, I'll obviously be finishing my Master PC story, and then, who knows? Well, I know I'll be writing a lot of one-shots. I have a lot of them I've started and not finished, and more one-shots will allow me to get more ideas out there, and also mean less of you waiting for a story to be finished, because you won't see it until it is.

Anyway, I'm going now. See you whenever I next post something.

DragoTime Update

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So I last posted a blog post on 27th of July this year. Since then I've posted 1 chapter, as well as the occasional tweet (@Drago_Time), but really, I've been pretty quiet.

My excuse before was a mix of uni work and then the sheer lack of motivation to write. And to an extent that's still true. A few weeks ago I moved to Austria for several months to teach English, and all the technicalities involved with this have been the main focus of my time since then. My life's been really hectic, and honestly I'm in the state where you're tired constantly, which kinda kills your libido a bit. Which is a hindrance when writing erotic stories.

I do still wanna finish my Master PC story. I'm anticipating a finish within 2-4 chapters, at which point I wanna do more one-offs. Both because I have ideas I wanna write, but also because I want to be able to give you content while not having to wait months for the continuation of a story.

I was going to write more for this, but I dunno what else to put. So, sure to smash that like button or wait, that's Youtube. But follow me on Twitter to keep up to date with what I'm doing (@Drago_Time), and follow Alexis too to find out what she's up to, at @Alexisofthelamp. Reports that that account's actually run by me and not an omnipotent genie are completely unfounded.

Where have I been?

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Hello. It's now been 2 months since I last posted a chapter. I've recently had 2 separate people ask where I am (One was concerned something had happened to me. Thanks for that.) so I figured I'd better write this.

So at first it was university. I had exams until the 9th of June which were eating up all my free time. But after that? Honestly, a lack of motivation. Barring a few chapters on my interactives I've barely written anything since then. I kind of want to, but I just haven't had the drive to do so. My summer's been spent catching up on gaming and TV shows, and really whenever I sit down to write I can barely bring myself to do it.

There's also the problem that I've just this week found out where I'm heading for the first part of my year abroad, so I now have lots of prep to do for that, again eating into my time.

Chapter 5 is mostly done, I just need to write the last sex scene, and Chapter 6 is about something I've wanted to write for a while, so really it's in my interests to keep going, especially as this is my highest-rated story since A Boy and his Genie. When I'll get back into actively writing, I don't know.

As ever you can keep up with me on Twitter at @Drago_Time. I don't tweet all that often there (It's not my personal account. I keep that separate) but I do occasionally post updates and/or random things. Alexis also has a Twitter account which is @alexisofthelamp, but normally she has better things to do with her time than tweet.

So yeah, I do feel bad about letting you down, especially as I hate when stories don't get finished. I could list off loads of stories that didn't get completed that I was really enjoying reading. I am fine though, I'm not dying or anything. Well, no faster than any other human being. This is the bit where Alexis makes fun of me for my mortality.

Why No New Chapter In A While?

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Because I'm a student and the past few weeks I've been inundated with uni work. However, as of this weekend I'll be free, so Saturday/Sunday I intend to get the next chapter written and out. Sorry, but all my free time at the moment has been taken up. I don't like it either.



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