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Donna The Dog Lover: Blog


The Closeness of a Girl and her Dog

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Started this account for "Donna The Dog Lover" as a separate little section for the limited section of the genre "Bestiality" reserved for dogs only. This genre is considered somewhat out of the "norm" of genre-related writing because it held in contempt by most literary people with aspirations to commercial distribution. To a lesser degree, the "Incest" genre also suffers from the "norm" thinking public and that is quite understandable. This Dog flavored genre is flawed when viewed in the pornographic sense only. Outside the purely sex related considerations, relationships of humans and dogs are positive in many different ways. There are the normal interactions of a lonely human and an unloved animal with tendencies to become close to the living creature that feeds it and tends to its needs. Dogs are used for rescue operations of all types from fires, earthquakes, and even in snow drift rescues on the high mountains. In a way, the connection between a human and a dog is less concerning than a connection between an inanimate entity like a clone or a robot made in the image of a person. Using the "Doll" genre of Japanese erotic culture, such relationships do happen and they are discussed in various films and books about that culture that is "genre" based just like "bestiality"

The Nuances of Beastiality

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Added a new Beastiality genre story to this pen name. These stories by Donna the Dog Lover (pen name of Harry Lime) are all about dogs and their human best friends forever. This genre has been fairly well Verbotin in writing circles along with most stories of Incest or underage erotica. In a way, these stories tend to look beyond the "over the line" unnatural love or lust relationships between animal and human. In this case, only dogs are used as partner characters because the animal kingdom is far too complex. As an example, in this latest story "Puppy Love", the Great Dane Duke is jealous of his mistress Sally's attachment for her toy Teddy Bear that she uses as a masturbation aid in the nocturnal hours. He is certain his tongue is a far better method of "getting off" because at least it is not merely an inanimate and unfeeling source of pleasure.

Donna Loves Dogs

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Just submitted my third story about my favorite dogs. I have a lot of stories about dogs. I think they are the friendliest things ever. I love the way they sniff me like they think I am hot. I love the way they hump my leg when I least expect it. I love to watch dogs mate because they are so intense when they are doing it. I love to watch a really small dog do it to a big dog and the other way around. In a way it is funny but they are so sincere it really touches my soul. I wish I could meet someone nice that would pretend to be a little doggy and do me from behind. I wouldn't care if he was ugly or old or anything as long as he would bark at me and maybe nibble my ear when we was inside me just like my favorite Great Dane.

Donna Loves Dogs

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Donna accidentally falls into the trap of getting far too up close and personal with her pair of male Doberman pure-breeds when she allows them too much sniffing time and plays with them down on all fours like a playful puppy. They satisfy her more than her ex-husbands and she considers continuing the abnormal fetish in ways that most pretty brunettes would avoid as far too submissive. She knows she needs a new boyfriend but her Dobermans are so perfect that she hates to turn to disappointing human males for her nocturnal needs.



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