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Donna The Dog Lover: Blog


Update on stories

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Just submitted an update on "Gina The Girl Scout and Pit-Bull Pete". I should be able to knock out updates on the remaining stories needing updates in the next 10 days. These canine loving stories are short, sweet and filled with lots of carnal lust for hungry eyes. Poor Gina is torn between her pair of breeding Labs and her Pit-Bull and now she is drawn to a new female friend called Rebecca, the president of the "Abstinence Club"

Status on updating

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I have added a couple of new stories to this account recently. One under name of Donna the Dog Lover and one under Fan Fiction called Scoobie Doo meets the Vampires. They are light and over eighteen content for adults. I did the same to Archie and Friends under a different penname. If you don't like this sort of spoof just don't read it and select another story. Stay Happy.

Donna The Dog Lover reports no "yellow Stripes"

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Several story lines to be continued but no yellow stripe stories as of this date.

Donna the Dog Lover notes on Beastality

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Just added chapter 6 to the generic Beastality genre under Donna the Devoted Dog Lover. This chapter is a continuation of chapter 4 which I had indicated would be continued as a stand alone story. In all honesty, I don't even remember writing it but it was in my file under a different title called "Donna and the Dog Warrriors of the Amazon". (Thats the river and not the company) I think I intended this to be more of a horror story than a beastality story but when I started the Donna the Dog Lover pen name I decided to put all such stories into this account. When I first started writing in 2011, I didn't write beastality stories because the most publishers avoid them just like most incest stories. This pen name has been a bit of an experiment and I wanted to see how long it took to accumulate 100K downloads of stories The stories are really random and tend to flow over into other genres with that basic flavor of beastality to anchor them.

Man's best friend and a girl's best secret.

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This collection of dog stories with an erotic flavor are not only for fetish enjoyment. The stories have real characters and possible scenarios that stretch the imagination but still remain in the realm of probability. I have taken only the dog related stories in the bestiality genre pool of writing because it is most likely the most common and the relationship of man to dog is quite different with regard to men and women. I hope that dog lovers will not find it too unfair to the dog world character that incorporates many other elements related to heroism and loyalty and not just base instinctive needs for sex.



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